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Troubleshooting (for Beeper Only System, F2R4B , F4R4B)
Problem Cause
No beeping when
reversing or
parking forward
with braking
1. Beeper not connected properly.
2. No power to the control box.
3. Faulty beeper.
1. Check beeper connection to control box.
2. Check control box power connections to see
if: Black wire is grounded properly,
Red wire gets +12V from ACC or ignition,
Yellow wire gets +12V from reverse light,
Blue wire gets +12V from brake light.
Replace the beeper.
System is not
detecting any
obstacle in front
and rear
1. Beeper not connected properly.
2. No power to the control box.
3. Sensors not connected.
4. Faulty beeper.
5. Faulty control box.
1. Check beeper connection.
2. Check control box power connections to see
if: Black wire is grounded properly,
Red wire gets +12V from ACC or ignition,
Yellow wire gets +12V from reverse light,
Blue wire gets +12V from brake light.
3. Make sure sensors plugged in securely.
4. Replace the beeper.
5. Replace the control box.
System is not
detecting any
obstacle in front
System has no +12V from brake light.
Make sure the blue wire gets +12V from brake
System is not
detecting any
obstacle in rear
System has no +12V from back up light.
Make sure the yellow wire gets +12V from
reverse light.
1. Object within 1 ft is detected.
2. Holes drilled for sensors are too tight
(especially if it is a metal bumper).
3. Faulty sensor(s).
4. Faulty control box.
1. Unplug all sensors, and then plug back in one
sensor at a time to find out which sensor is
causing the problem. Check if anything within
1 ft of the sensor may be detected. Adjust
angle of the sensor. Refer to
5. Installing the
for details.
2. Carefully enlarging sensor holes a little with a
small round file.
3. Replace the sensors(s).
Replace the control box.
Beeps even there
is no obstacle
behind or in the
1. Ground is detected. Sensors angle is
low. Sensors installed too low
(mounting height below 1.6ft).
Holes drilled for sensors are too tight
(especially for a metal bumper).
1. Unplug all sensors, and then plug back in one
sensor at a time to find out which sensor is
causing the problem. Adjust angle of the
sensor. Refer to
5. Installing the Sensors
2. Carefully enlarging sensor holes a little with a
small round file.
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