Poseidon 3262 – starting guide
Oficjalny dystrybutor:
2) Configuring the IP address
UDP Config program – in the root folder of the supplied CD (Windows and Linux version).
The program can be
downloaded from
Software -> UDP Config.
Click the icon to run
UDP Config – the
connected devices
Click the Find
Devices button to
start searching for
The program looks for devices on your local
network. To identify a particular Poseidon unit, look
at its MAC address (printed on the label at the
bottom of the unit).
Double click a MAC address to open a dialog
window with basic device settings.
Set up network parameters
IP address
HTTP Port (default is 80)
Gateway IP address
Name of your device – optional
Click the Apply Changes button to save th
Note: Contact your network administrator if you
are unsure about these settings.
Reset to factory defaults
Toggle DIP1 several times within 5 seconds after powering up. Default settings
contains none passwords.
any configuration changes
While DIP2=On any configuration change disabled.
Note: Set Dip2=Off to be able change IP address configuration
Oficjalny dystrybutor:
45-231 Opole
e-mail: [email protected]
ul. Oleska 121
) Configuring the IP address – UDP Config
in the root folder of the supplied CD (Windows and Linux version).
The program looks for devices on your local
network. To identify a particular Poseidon unit, look
at its MAC address (printed on the label at the
Double click a MAC address to open a dialog
to save the
Contact your network administrator if you
Reset to factory defaults
Toggle DIP1 several times within 5 seconds after powering up. Default settings
contains none passwords.
any configuration changes
(online demo mode)
any configuration change disabled.
Note: Set Dip2=Off to be able change IP address configuration
HW group
tel. +48 (77) 455 60 76
fax. +48 (77) 455 80 56
in the root folder of the supplied CD (Windows and Linux version).
Toggle DIP1 several times within 5 seconds after powering up. Default settings
(online demo mode)
Note: Set Dip2=Off to be able change IP address configuration