PortStore5 Manual
HW group
&P: Parity
Parity of the serial asynchronous communication.
For example, to configure communication without parity, enter “&PN”.
N: none
O: odd
E: even
M: mark
S: space
&V: Variable Parity Parity
Supplemental function for 9-bit protocols. Only the difference from the pre-set parity bit value is
transmitted. For correct operation, a parity needs to be set (usually Mark/Space). A double character
0xFE followed by “P” is used to transfer the difference from the pre-set parity. In this mode, the 0xFE
character is a prefix; if it appears within the data stream, it needs to be doubled. This option is
recommended for the box-2-box mode (two converters connected back-to-back) and 9-bit protocols.
incorrect parity bit ignored
incorrect parity bit transmitted to the other device
For instance, to set up 9-bit communication with a majority of data having “space parity”, enter:
“&PS;&V1” (space variable parity on).
&M: Multidrop mask
&N: Multidrop network addres 0
&S: Stop bits
Number of stop bits for the serial communication. As a rule, there should be at least 9 bits and at
most 10 bits in total, excluding the start bit. For instance, the 7N1 setting (7+0+1 bits) is corrected by
the setup to 7N2. Similarly, 8E2 (8+1+2 bits) is corrected to 8E1.
&C: Flow Control
Serial data flow control. If you use data flow control and the input buffer is full, handshake will signal over
the serial port that PortStore5 can no longer accept data.
1: none
– No control, see &R for RTS
– RTS/CTS control pins
3: Xon/Xoff
– Software flow control
4: Xon/Xoff HeartBeat
– SW flow control with periodic Xon transmission (heartbeat)
&R: RTS Output Continuously asserted [~ +8V]
Defines the idle level of the RTS output pin. Important for devices powered from the RTS pin.
0: RTS = continuously asserted [~ +8V]
1: RTS = unasserted [~ -8V]
2: RTS = asserted while connected