Attachment A.
The present certificate was made on "___"_____________201__
| by the owner of refrigerated table _______________________________________________
(company name and address,
title and full name)
| and representative of the service center
| __________________________________________________________________________
| __________________________________________________________________________
(title, full name)
| to certify that the refrigerated table type ___________ factory number _________________
| with compressor ____________________________________________________________ ,
| manufactured on "___"_______201___,
| was put into operation on "___"_______201___ by electrical mechanical engineer
| __________________________________________________________________________
(company name,
| __________________________________________________________________________
full name)
| certificate certifying the right for installation and maintenance of the trade refrigerating
equipment No. ____ issued on "___" __________.
| __________________________________________________________________________
(company name)
The table was accepted for servicing by mechanical engineer
| __________________________________________________________________________
(company name,
| __________________________________________________________________________
full name)
| certificate certifying the right for installation and maintenance of the trade refrigerating
equipment No. ____ issued on "___" __________.
| ______________________________________________________________
(company name)
(signature) Name
Center representative
(signature) Name