Operating Instructions
Read the ‘General Guidance’ Section at the start of these instructions before operating your stove for the
first time.
Allow sufficient clearance between the stove and pictures, plasma screen televisions or ornaments etc., as
these could be damaged and c
ould potentially create a fire hazard (For more information read the ‘Material
Clearance’ section of these installation instructions).
This appliance will be hot when in operation and due care should be taken. The supplied
operating tool or gloves may be used to open the door and operate the air controls.
Please Note
Your Building Insurance Company may require you to inform them of this new installation and that the work
has been carried out correctly. Please check your policy to ensure that it is still valid when this installation is
Using The Appliance For The First Time
When being heated up for the first time, smells and fumes are often produced. This is a normal chemical
process that allows the specialist heat resistant paint to cure and harden.
Please arrange for good ventilation of the room. Open windows and doors and if necessary, use a ventilator
for fast interchange of air. Heat up to operation temperature for at least one hour. If maximum temperature
is not achieved after heating up, release of odour may appear later.
Do not use an aerosol spray on or near the stove when it is alight.
Air Control
This stove has been designed to burn far more efficiently than a traditional stove if used correctly, with the
obvious notable feature of CLEAN GLASS.
It is essential that the stove has an adequate air supply for combustion and ventilation.
The air intake into the stove is controlled by one air control lever. Both primary and secondary air valves are
operated using this control lever.
To open the primary air intake, pull the air control lever outwards and to close, push it inwards.
During the first operation it is highly likely that fumes and smells maybe produced as part of the
normal heat resistant paint curing process, much like a domestic oven. Therefore, good ventilation
during this process is of utmost importance. We recommend that pregnant women, allergic
persons and small children as well as domestic animals, especially birds, should not unnecessarily
stay in subjected areas.