What's displayed on the screen is what's immediately behind you. The image is updated constantly
as you travel through the water.
There are two options
on how to display the three
dimensional image on the screen;
normal and reverse angle. Once
you select the method you prefer,
the Dimension 3 will remember
that setting even if the unit is
turned off. Reverse angle, as
shown below, is as if you were
forward and to the right of your
boat looking back on the area
you have covered. Normal view
is the reverse of this, so objects to the right of your boat appear on the right of your screen. By
experimenting with these two options while in or around known terrain, you can decide which you prefer.
By switching between normal 3/4 view and reverse angle, it is often possible to reveal terrain which
otherwise might be hidden from view. (Shown on page 26).
Screen with high bank blocking the view of bottom structure.