Installing the HumminbirdPC™ Software
There are two ways to install the HumminbirdPC™ software onto your PC:
From our
From the CD-ROM provided by the Customer Resource Center* upon request.
* CD-ROM is free of charge, but shipping and handling charges will be applied.
Downloading the HumminbirdPC™ Software from the Website
You will download the HumminbirdPC™ software from our website in the form
of a self-extracting setup file appropriate for your operating system.
You will be asked to register a user name, password and e-mail address, as well
as your Matrix serial number, when you first download any HumminbirdPC™ soft-
ware from the website.
As we are continuously improving the features of the application, please check
our website for new versions of the HumminbirdPC™ application that offer addi-
tional features. See
for details.
It may be necessary to shut down other programs currently running on your PC
to complete the installation procedure. If connection to the Internet is not possi-
ble, please contact our Customer Resource Center for a
1. Using a browser, navigate to
2. Using the mouse, right-click on the correct self-extracting setup file for your
operating system. The choices are Windows95, Windows98/ME or
WindowsNT/2000/XP. Navigate to the location on your hard drive where you
want to save the file and save it. Make a note of where you saved it.
3. Navigate to the location on your PC where you saved the self-extracting setup
file. Double-click on the self-extracting file.
4. Click 'Setup' to install the HumminbirdPC™ software. When you run the self-
extracting application, the HumminbirdPC™ setup will be started automati-
5. Follow the prompts provided by the HumminbirdPC™ Setup Wizard (as
shown in the sequence of Setup Wizard screen illustrations) to install the
application on your PC.
When you have finished this procedure, you may be asked to re-start your PC.
6. You have completed the installation of the application. Go to the
Start Menu
>> Programs >> HumminbirdPC
to start the HumminbirdPC™ application.
For Windows95/98/ME users, the 'Everyone' or 'Just Me' options are not dis-
played. For WindowsNT/2000/XP users, it will depend on the user permissions that
are assigned to you on that computer. The installation may require the installer to
have Administrator permissions to install the application for 'Everyone'.