9. Release the pressure.
Hold the Speedy vertically with the
pressure gauge facing the ground. Locate the arrow on the
flange of the cap and point this away from yourself and other
people in your vicinity. Unscrew the top screw slowly to vent the
gas that may have been generated within the Speedy.
10. Remove the sample and reagent.
Tip the contents of the Speedy directly into a
clean and dry open container and dispose of in accordance with Section 13 of the
Calcium Carbide Material Safety Data Sheet.
11. Clean the Speedy.
Clean the Speedy vessel and cap and measuring beaker in
preparation for the next moisture measurement.
The test procedure is simple to follow and takes just a few minutes for most materials.
To ensure accurate and consistent results the procedure should be followed precisely.
1. Clean the Speedy Vessel.
Prior to using the speedy tester
ensure that the inside of the Speedy cap and vessel are
empty and clean. Use the bristle brush to remove any
residues from previous tests.
2. Select and prepare the sample.
Ensure that the sample to be weighed and
placed in the Speedy is representative of the material that is under investigation.
Some materials, such as free-flowing powders and sands, need no preparation
whereas others may need to be ground prior to testing or pulverized during the
test –please refer to the Sample Preparation Table for further information.
3. Weigh the sample.
Place the empty measuring beaker
on the electronic scale and zero the scale – Refer to the
electronic balance user instructions for further details.
Add small amounts of material from the sample until the
correct sample weight is reached. The sample weight is
determined by the size and measurement range of the
Speedy that is being used as detailed below:
H-4967 Speedy
2000 (20g)
Moisture Test Procedure
Part No.
Vessel Size
Measurement Range
Sample Weight (g)
0 — 20