The Speedy
2000 moisture tester is a portable system for measuring the moisture
content of a wide range of materials including soils, aggregates, dust and powders (and
liquids). The system consists of a rugged plastic case containing a low-pressure vessel
fitted with a pressure gauge and an electronic scale and accessories.
Moisture measurements are made by mixing a weighed sample of the material with a
reagent – calcium carbide – in the sealed pressure vessel. The reagent reacts chemically
with water in the sample producing acetylene gas that in turn increases the pressure
within the vessel. As the pressure increase in the vessel is proportional to the amount
of water in the sample, the moisture content can be read directly from the calibrated
pressure gauge.
The Speedy
2000 is available in two sizes with a choice of moisture measurement
ranges as detailed below.
The calcium carbide reagent used with the Speedy tester is a hazardous product that
must be handled with care by the user and with consideration for the environment. Users
of the Speedy
2000 must be familiar with the Speedy
2000 Moisture Test Procedure
detailed in this manual.
Users must also follow calcium carbide transportation, storage, handling and disposal
guidelines in accordance with local regulations and/or the calcium carbide Safety Data
Sheet (SDS). Users should be familiar with the hazard identification, first aid measures,
fire-fighting measures, accidental release measures, personal protection measures,
physical and chemical properties, stability and reactivity, toxicological information, and
ecological information as given in the SDS.
H-4968 Speedy
2000 (6g)
Moisture Test Procedure
The test procedure is simple to follow and takes just a few minutes for most materials.
To ensure accurate and consistent results the procedure should be followed precisely.
1. Clean the Speedy Vessel.
Prior to using the speedy
tester ensure that the inside of the Speedy cap and
vessel are empty and clean. Use the bristle brush to
remove any residues from previous tests.
Part No.
Vessel Size
Measurement Range
Max. Recommended
Particle Size
Sample Weight (g)
0 — 20
0 — 20
Hazardous Warning