Protection against corrosion
The Duet is coated in a way that the metal parts of the wheelchair are protected for
corrosion. The material of all other parts, like the mud shields, rims etc. is not susceptible to
It is however advised to clean the Duet with soft soap and warm water when it has been
exposed to unfriendly circumstances like mud, salt water or severe rains. After removal of the
dirt and salt, please dry the wheelchair with a soft cloth.
Brakes and gears
The rear brake is of the back pedalling type and cannot be adjusted. Please check the
tolerance of the chain frequently (e.g. each month). Too much clearance leads to unwanted
late reaction of the brake (while back pedalling, the clearance of the chain has to be over
The used cables for the front brakes have to be re-adjusted from time to time. Re-adjusting
the brake can be done by tightening or loosening the shown adjustment bolt. The adjustment
must be so that the lever has a very small free play before pulling the inner cable. When
applying maximum brake force, the brake bar may not be obstructed by the steering
Adjustment of the gear cable must be carried out by a therefore trained person such as your
Replacement of worn brake friction material must be carried out by an authorized dealer.
Required tooling and equipment
For the normal maintenance is no special tooling or equipment required. A wrench 10 mm
and a puncture repair kit is sufficient for the maintenance and repairs to be carried out by the
Ordering for parts to be readily replaced
It is possible to order for any part of your wheelchair at your supplier. Your supplier will
contact the producer Huka BV that will send the part as soon as possible, normally within 24
Because your Duet is a high-tech vehicle, frequent cleaning is advisable to anticipate
malfunctions, and preserve the lacquer.
It is advised to clean the wheelchair with soft soap, warm water and cloth when it has been
exposed to unfriendly circumstances like mud, salt water or severe rains. After removal of the
dirt and salt, please dry the wheelchair with a soft cloth.
Do not clean the Duet with high pressure water cleaning equipment. The high pressure will
damage the lacquer, plastic and rubber parts and will influence lubricated parts negatively.
The cushions of the wheelchair can be washed by spraying with warm water and soap.
Frequency of maintenance
The maintenance described in the previous paragraphs must take at least every four weeks.
It is dictated to overview the Duet for damages, loose connections and malfunctions the
same moment.
It is not allowed to wash the cushions in the washing machine, to dry the cushions in the
dryer and to iron the cushions.