Fig. 5
Tire pressure and valves
Please keep the tyres inflated at the recommended pressure at all times. The used valves for
the inner tubes are specific for each country. Inflating is therefore easy by using a regular
bicycle tyre pump.
A properly inflated tyre is very hard to press with your thumbs. Please inflate the tyres
slightly harder when the Duet is used by relative heavy users.
Spokes are essential components of your wheels. The spokes are tensioned by Huka BV.
The spokes must be re-tensioned after approximately the first 500 km's because of the
“setting” of the spokes. Please return to your dealer for this re-tensioning.
The spokes must be checked regular for broken or loose spokes. Any loose spoke must be
re-tightened and broken spokes must be replaced immediately to prevent more spokes from
breaking. It is advised to leave this to your Duet dealer.
Never exceed the maximum and minimum allowed tire pressure
It is not permitted to adjust your handlebars when cycling.
Check whether your handlebar is firmly secured before going cycling.
When applying corrections with the handlebar, always check that when you tighten
things up again, the handlebar are straight in relation to the wheel.
If the wheel has a wobble or loose spoke, your dealer will correct this quickly so that
further damage to the wheel is prevented.
Have your dealer check the tension in the spokes regularly after that.