Huck Seiltechnik GmbH • 35614 Aßlar/Berghausen • Germany
• www.huck.net
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6 Post installation checks
If the equipment has not been installed safely, you must ensure that the
public is prevented from using it.
Marking filler depth
Labelling the posts to show the depth of material provided as fall protection
(i.e. loose filler).
The equipment has not been installed safely in the following cases:
Safe equipment installation is not complete.
The protective surface has not been installed yet.
Appropriate maintenance work cannot guarantee operational safety.
Removal of all assembly aids
Please make sure that all assembly aids have been removed from the
playing area. The equipment must not be approved for use until this check
has been made.
Information about inspection of the equipment before it is used for the
first time
There are no special inspection requirements to be met before the
equipment is used for the first time.
Retighten bolts
After one week of play, please retighten all bolts again. Later upon
respective maintenance.