My Files
My Files
enables you to manage the Pictures, Music,
Ringtones, Videos, Games, Applications and Others
files conveniently. You can access
My Files
from the main menu.
folder. You can perform the following operations on
• View: To view the picture file.
• Play: To play a selected file.
• Send: To send the selected file by message, email
or Bluetooth.
• Set as: To set a picture as thumbnail of a contact or
the wallpaper.
• Set as ringtone: To set a ringtone as voice call tone,
video call tone or specific contact tone.
• Picture edit: To edit a picture file.
• Rename: To rename the selected file.
• Cut: To cut the selectd file.
• Copy: To copy the selected file.
• Sort by name/date: To sort the selected file by
name or by date.
• Delete: To delete the selected file.
• Mark/Unmark: To select one or more files or cancel
the selection.
• Info.: To view the properties of one or more files.
Some sound files are protected by Digital
Rights Management (DRM), and may not be
able to be used as a ringtone.
Games, applications, other
• Games: To play games and download more games.
The downloaded files are saved in this folder. For
more details, Please refer to "Entertainment/
games" on page 47.
• Others: To save any kind of file. You can also create
new folders in this folder to categorise your files.
• Applications: Any applications that you download
are saved in this folder.
When the phone detects and recognises the memory
Memory card
is displayed as a tab on the top
of the
My Files
screen. You can perform the same
operations on the contents in the memory card as
those in the phone. Your mobile phone also provides
a function to format the memory card.