Install the Device/ 设备安装
D Connect Cables/ 连接线缆
Connect the power cable and the ground cable. A bare wire supports the 1.5 mm² (length is less than or
equal to 25 m) power cable at most, and a crimping terminal supports the 0.75 mm² (length is less than or
equal to 15 m)or 1.0 mm² (length is less than or equal to 20 m) power cable. The ground impedance must be
less than or equal to 5 ohms.
连接电源线和接地线。接裸线最大支持 1.5mm²(长度最大支持 25m)电源线
配压线端子支持 0.75mm²(长度最大
支持 15m)或 1.0mm²(长度最大支持 20m)电源线
接地线要求阻抗≤ 5Ω。
Connect the network cable. Mount the rubber ring of the waterproof connector onto the network cable port
and install the remaining components of the waterproof connector in sequence. The waterproof connectors
of the network cable must be secured tightly to prevent disconnection.
Connect the alarm cable and RS485 cable. It is recommended that twisted pair cables be used as alarm
cables. The diameter of the cable core ranges from 22 AWG to 28 AWG. The impedance of the entire cable is
less than or equal to 100 ohms.
连接告警线缆、RS485 线缆。告警线缆建议使用双绞线,线芯的线径为 22AWG ~ 28AWG,整条线路的阻抗
≤ 100Ω。
Power cable
• In outdoor installation, a lightning arrester must be installed and the lightning arrester must be grounded.
• The strong current cables and weak current cables must be separately laid. The distance between the strong
current cable and the weak current cable must be greater than or equal to 5 cm. When connecting cables to the
device, do not connect the strong current cable to the weak current interface to avoid device damages.
强电和弱电必须分开布线,两者间的距离不小于 5cm。线缆与设备连接时,禁止将强电接到弱电接口上,以免造成设备损坏。
• If you have to cut off tail cables that cannot be threaded, reserve the labels on the tail cables. Use insulated
rubber tapes and waterproof tapes to wrap all tail cables to prevent short circuit and water leakage.
Ground cable
Use the insulation tape to insulate the connection part of each cable. Then use the waterproof tape and
insulation tape to wrap the cables together into a bundle. Wrap a layer of PVC insulation tape and three
layers of waterproof tape. Then wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape. Ensure that the connection parts
of the cables do not overlap with each other; otherwise, the cable bundle may not pass through the holes
because it is too thick.
先用绝缘胶带对每条线缆对接处做好绝缘防护,然后将所有电缆进行整体绝缘防水处理。绝缘防水处理先缠绕一层 PVC
绝缘胶带,再缠绕三层防水胶带,然后再缠绕三层 PVC 绝缘胶带。对单根线缆做整体缠绕处理时,不同线缆接口处要错开,
NOTE/ 说明
Before making an RJ11 plug connector, assemble components of the RJ11 plug connector of the
waterproof connector for network cables in sequence.
O-ring for the waterproof connector
NOTE/ 说明
• Stretch the waterproof tape evenly until the tape turns twice as long as before. Then use the stretched
waterproof tape to wrap the cable bundle from the insulation sheath to the protection leather hose (for
example, the PVC conduit).
均匀拉伸防水胶带,使其长度为原长度的2 倍后再缠绕。防水胶带务必从线缆束绝缘外皮开始缠绕至防护皮管(如
PVC 管)。
• When wrapping the tape, ensure that the upper layer covers more than 50% of the lower layer. Each
layer of tape must be tightened and compacted firmly.
缠绕绝缘胶带和防水胶带时需保证上一层胶带覆盖下一层的50% 以上,每一层都要拉紧压实。