Hardware Description
5 Appendix
Issue DraftA (2013-08-10)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
même temps qu'aucune autre antenne ou émetteur.La distance d’installation et d’opération
entre le radiateur et votre corps de chaque équipement doit être au minimum :
Pour DRH3926A, 2.01m ou plus.
Some Information
The nominal passband gain is 37dB;
The nominal bandwidth of band 2600M (DRH3926A)is 73.07MHz;
The rated mean output power is 2*20W;
The input and output impedance are 50
The following notice:”The Manufacture’s rated output power of this equipment is for
single carrier operation. For situations when multiple carrier signals are present, the
rating would have to be reduced by 3.5dB, especially where the output signal is
re-radiated and can cause interference to adjacent band users. This power reduction is to
be by means of input power or gain reduction and not by an attenuator at the output of
the device.”