HyQuest Solutions Pty. Ltd.
Model AD375MA
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Page 16
Issue 3 July, 2017
Configuring the AD375MA
1. If using the SDI-12 interface, set the required address by stepping to
the “Sensor Addr” menu, and pressing the “Select” button and then
use the “Scroll” button to set the address from 0 to 9.
2. If using an SDI-12 logger, make sure the “Comms Type” is set
to SDI-12. If using an RTU with an SDI-12 to RS232 adapter
then set the “Comms Type” to RS232.
3. Use the staff gauge in the river to measure the water level (1.450m)
4. Step to the “Set Level” menu and set it to 1.450m
If operating in SDI-12 mode, setup is complete.
If operating in 4-20mA mode then continue with step 5.
5. Estimate the range over which the water level will change.
(eg. Min level = 1.000m : Max Level = 8.000m)
6. Step to the “4mA / 20mA Level” menu
Set the 4mA level to 1.000m
Set the 20mA level to 8.000m
When the water level is at 1.000m the 4-20mA current will be 4.000mA
When the water level is at 4.500m the 4-20mA current will be 12.000mA
When the water level is at 8.000m the 4-20mA current will be 20.000mA
7. The range in this example is 8.000 – 1.000 = 7.000m
Set the logger range to 7.000m (eg. ML420 range is set with TxR=7.000)
8. The offset in this example is 1.000m
Set the logger offset to 1.000m (eg. ML420 offset is set with RvHR=1.000)
9. Set the logging interval and transducer warmup period in the data logger.
(eg. Say ML420 interval is 15mins and warmup is 1 sec then TXI=015/01 )
(The AD375MA 4-20mA current is ready 200mS after loop power is applied)
Setting the 4-20mA range to the smallest possible will give the best resolution
on a 4-20mA interface !