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Liability Exclusion, Waiver of Compensatory Damages and  

Acknowledgement of Risk

By setting up this product, you agree 



To the points listed below without limitation



To obligate anybody using this product to accept of these points. If you do not wish to enter into this 

commitment, return this product to your dealer for a refund.

Acknowledgement of extreme risk

The use of this product and all of its components comes with special risks and hazards that could lead to 

serious injury and death. By using this product, you agree that you accept all known and unknown risks 

resulting from this product and you are personally responsible for the consequences without limitation. The 

risks and hazards sited here can be reduced considerably by explicitly observing the user instructions.

Waiver of compensatory damages

By using this product, you agree to the following without limitations and as legally 




You waive the right to any existing or future claims against INVENTO GmbH or any of its representative 

that result from using this product or one of its components.



You release INVENTO GmbH or any of its representatives of all claims from damages, loss, injury or 

other that result from use of this product by you or a third party. This also includes product defects in 

the design or production that result from negligence or breach of contract by INVENTO GmbH or one of 

its representatives.

Arbitration proceedings

By purchasing this product, you agree to lodge all claims that, in your opinion, are against INVENTO GmbH or 

one of its representatives as part of the arbitration proceedings. The arbitration proceedings adhere to the 

American Arbitration Association guidelines.
The claims must be made within one year of the first occurrence. The arbitration proceedings shall be in 

the Oldenburg District Court unless a mutually agreed alternate court is determined. The jurisdiction of the 

American Arbitration Association is limited and enforcement of the arbitration claim can supersede other legal 


Legally binding agreement

In the event of your death or deficient right to sue, this agreement remains binding to your heirs, your 

relatives and persons appointed for the implementation of your or the rights of your associates.

Unlimited agreement

No additional verbal or written supplemental agreements apply in addition to the existing 

agreement defined in these user instructions.




Our HQ kite is very easy to care for and requires no special maintenance apart from regular checking 

for damage and wear.



Using the dirt out opening on the outside of the trailing edge, it is possible to remove sand and dirt out 

of the close outside cells.



Dirt can be removed with luke-warm water. You can use a gentle soap solution, but not aggressive 

cleaning agents. A sponge may help. 



Do not wash the foil in a washing machine. The colors bleed and the lines tangle a lot.



Your kite is a high quality product and repairs are worthwhile in many cases. Your specialist retailer will 

be pleased to help. 



Never leave your kite packed. Do not store the kite packed up for several days if it is damp. The sail will 

get unattractive mould spots or become discoloured!



Protect your material from unnecessarily long exposure to UV radiation from the sun.



You should always wind your lines back onto the winder provided. 



The useful life of your line is also shortened by UV radiation exposure. Avoid getting unnecessary dirt 

on them by going toward them when winding up rather than dragging them towards you. Dirt, knots, 

twists or contact with other lines or objects can reduce the breaking load of your line by more than 


Warranty and liability

Our products are developed and manufactured using the highest standards and are subject to continual 

quality inspections. If, however, one of our products was processed defectively or has defective material, we 

will replace it free of charge. This applies in addition to your legal rights.
A guarantee cannot be taken over:



damaged as a result of normal wear and tear, misuse or neglect



repaired or modified without the authorisation of HQ-Invento.



returned to HQ-Invento without a valid receipt

All moving parts are basically wear parts. Check your kite continuously for abrasion and replace damaged 

parts before you use your kite.
Send products requiring repair or replacement to your HQ dealer. A dealer list can be found under www.

Important Information Regarding Your Flying Lines 

INVENTO will not replace flying lines if they have been used incorrectly, if they are worn from normal use 

or if they have failed due to knots in the line. If kites are flown with flying lines that have too low of break 

strength, then the lines will break.


Summary of Contents for Ignition 12


Page 2: ...oducts Please write to us at the address on the reverse side of the guide Your HQ Powerkites Team Nous vous f licitons d avoir choisi un produit HQ Powerkites Avant d assembler et de piloter votre ail...

Page 3: ...res du poids du pilote de l humidit de l air de la longueur et de la r sistance des lignes de la discipline pratiqu e pilotage solo ski surf ou autre mais aussi et surtout du niveau du pilote l tipo d...

Page 4: ...kiting Defective parts must be replaced immediately Choose safe weather conditions z z When learning to fly this kite do not use in wind strengths greater than 3 Bft z z Never use the product in wind...

Page 5: ...umgehend ausgetauscht werden W hlen Sie sichere Wetterbedingungen z z Lernen Sie den Einsatz dieses Kites niemals bei mehr als 3 Bft Windst rken z z Nutzen Sie das Produkt niemals bei Winden die ber d...

Page 6: ...v rifier s il est endommag par l usure Les l ments d fectueux doivent tre aussit t remplac s Choisissiez des conditions m t orologiques sans danger z z N apprenez jamais utiliser ce cerf volant si la...

Page 7: ...e si el material est desgastado antes de practicar el v elo de cometas Las piezas defectuosas deben cambiarse de inmediato Elija unas condiciones meteorol gicas seguras z z Nunca aprenda a utilizar es...

Page 8: ...nd Frische Brise Smaller trees sway Astbewegung Moderate 1 2 m longer waves Some foam and spray M ige Wellen 1 2m von gro er L nge berall Schaumk pfe Good for smaller kites or expe rienced flyers Gut...

Page 9: ...ombreux moutons Borreguillos numerosos olas cada vez m s largas Conditions de vol id ales Condiciones ideales para volar 5 8 0 10 8 29 38 18 4 25 3 16 22 Bonne brise Viento fresco Les petits arbres ba...

Page 10: ...the pilot stands with his back windward Turbulent winds can be very dangerous and may surprise and overstrain you with its unpredictability Avoid flying in strongly gusting winds W hle das Flugfeld D...

Page 11: ...le pilote par ses brusques changements de comportement viter de piloter en cas de vent tr s irr gulier Selecci n del campo de vuelo El rendimiento de la cometa la seguridad y la diversi n dependen del...

Page 12: ...clock position left edge of the wind win dow Easy landing of the kite 9 Uhr Position linker Windfensterrand Drachen l sst sich hier leicht landen Position 9 heures bord gauche de la fen tre de vol Att...

Page 13: ...Druck ab der Drachen verliert an Zugkraft und Geschwindigkeit bis er letztendlich am Windfensterrand zum Stillstand kommt Initiation au Vent Le cerf volant volue dans la fen tre de vol laquelle forme...

Page 14: ...tline toggle with pulley Ankn pfpunkt m Rolle syst me de poulie Punto de enganche con polea 8 Struts Querstreben lattes Listones transver sales 9 Ventil Ventil valve V lvulas 10 Pump security Pumpensi...

Page 15: ...fsteuerleinen Relignes arrieres L neas de freno 5 De Power line De Power Leine Bout de border choquer Cuerda de potencia 6 Trim Strap Trimmer Trimmer Sistema ajuste acelerator 7 Clamcleat Adjuster Cla...

Page 16: ...dado de las cuerdas principales Swivel 9 Back Leader Lines Bremsleinen Tampen Prelignes arri res Cabos de las cuerdas de frenado 10 Adjuster Trim Strap Trimmer Trimmer Sistema ajuste acelerator 11 Saf...

Page 17: ...rd ein unbeabsichtigtes Starten des Kites zus tzlich verhindert La t te d alouette est un n ud essentiel pour tout cerf voliste car il se serre sous l effet de la traction Les photos montrent comment...

Page 18: ...en zwischen den einzelnen Kammern durch Druck schlie en 1 Attacher le leash de la pompe 2 Inserer l embout de la pompe dans la valve inflate 3 Gonfler le kite dos au vent et avec suffisement de pressi...

Page 19: ...19...

Page 20: keep the kite secured 3 You may also secure kite with sand 1 Kite sichern und transportieren durch eine Person 2 Kite sichern mit einem Board Finnen nach oben 3 Kite sichern mit Sand 1 Deplacer vot...

Page 21: ...erlust des Equipments ist nicht auszuschlie en En utilisant le lib rateur vous vous d solidarisez compl tement du kite Soyez conscient qu un kite volant sans contr le peut blesser des passants Aussi v...

Page 22: ...ance Aumentar fuerza de arrastre Reduce Power Zugkraft vermindern Diminuer la puissance Reducir fuerza de arrastre static statisch statique est tico dynamic dynamisch dynamique din mico dynamic dynami...

Page 23: ...nsterand Decoller le kite en bord de fen tre avec un assistant Lanzamiento seguro de la cometa con ayuda en borde de la ventana de viento Landing is safest at the edge of the window with assistance Si...

Page 24: ...e turns and starts Beim Wasserstart linke oder rechte Steuerleine ziehen bis Kite sich dreht und startet Pour le red collage dans l eau tirer sur un cot jusqu ce que le kite se retourne et d colle Par...

Page 25: ...dans le vent et rouler le vers le centre Estire la cometa en la direcci n del viento y enrolle bien los dos lados hacia al centro Pack kite tight and secure with strap Kite eng packen und mit Kompres...

Page 26: ...r pressure connect bridle together on front line toggle F r ein Setting ohne Rollen f r ein direkteres Steuerverhalten Wakestyleoption mit mehr Bardruck beide Waageendpunkte am Front Line Toggle zusam...

Page 27: ...importante comprobar las l neas tras algunas horas de vuelo Puede ajustar f cilmente cualquier diferencia detectada usando los nudos por debajo de los flotadores We advise to visit a store Wir empfeh...

Page 28: ...nlimited agreement No additional verbal or written supplemental agreements apply in addition to the existing agreement defined in these user instructions CARE MAINTENANCE z z Our HQ kite is very easy...

Page 29: ...ndend f r Ihre Erben Ihre Verwandten und die mit der Durchsetzung Ihrer oder der Rechte Ihrer Angeh rigen beauftragten Personen Uneingeschr nkte Vereinbarung Neben der bestehenden Vereinbarung die in...

Page 30: d c s de votre part ou si vous n avez pas la pleine capacit d ester en justice la pr sente convention engage galement vos h ritiers les membres de votre parent et les personnes qui sont charg es d...

Page 31: ...iento o de falta de capacidad procesal este acuerdo ser igualmente vinculante para sus herederos sus parientes y quienes est n designados legalmente por usted o por sus familiares Acuerdo sin restricc...

Page 32: ...many Tel 49 0 4402 92 62 0 Fax 49 0 4402 92 62 29 www invento hq com www powerkites de info invento hq com US Distribution by HQ KITES DESIGNS U S A INC Toll free 888 318 3600 www hq kites usa com sal...
