IFU EN T800, Rev 09/2016-07-07, art.no. 8004007
Common alarm messages
Signal definition
Safe State
The state when the block valve, the deflate valve and the pump all are
de-energized creating independent means to prevent the increase or
decrease of a cuff pressure. Monitoring of pressure values continues.
Make self test to clear this state.
Instrument error
Try to restart or contact service.
critical battery
The battery capacity is less than enough for running one burst of high
priority alarm and switching the system in safe state after a serious
fault is detected.
low battery
The battery capacity can maintain monitoring and valve control but no
pump control (pressure control) for less than 10 minutes
Invalid pressure
If the measured pressure is invalid
High pressure
If a pressure higher than 30 mmHg above Pset set value.
Low pressure
If pressure is lower than 15mmHg below Pset
Critical low pressure If pressure is lower than Pset- 75 mmHg
Critical high pressure If pressure is higher than 100 mmHg above Pset
Inflating leakage
If the set pressure value has not been reached within 20 seconds
Inflated leakage
The pump can not keep the set pressure in the cuff
Alarms during startup test:
The following alarms after the power-up self-test will make the instrument in-operable
(instrument error).
Restart instrument, or call service!
Alarm message
Instrument error
System pressure failure
Pump failure
Pump leakage
Deflation valve failure
Cuff sensor failure
Cuff sensor failure
Distal block valve failure
Proximal block valve failure