All alarms display using the same general format:
Device X
: The device ordering number shown in the web interface. In the previous example, CMCIII-
PU is Device 1 and HPE Adaptive Rack Cooling System is Device 2.
(Device Name)
: The actual device label that appears in the web interface, such as CMCIII-PU.
: N is the CAN Bus number where the alarming device resides. 0X is the component/parameter
in the subtree.
Subtree component name
: Component under the target device that caused the alarm.
: Alarm value pertaining to the component. In the previous example, AC2 Input: Alarm (0)
means the AC feed 2 is missing and causing an alarm.
The HPE Adaptive Rack Cooling System web interface shows devices associated with the alarming
Operator display