8. Glossary
The downloading of information from compatible software packages.
HPC’s computerized code machine.
Contour Cutting
The carriage moves laterally across the cutter, producing a key with no peaks between cuts.
Measured in thousandths of an inch or hundredths of a millimeter. Refers to y-axis cutting
on the CodeMax
. Also, a measurement from the bottom of the key to the root of the cut.
emergency Stop Button
A red button in the front of the CodeMax
used for stopping all machine movements.
The vise that holds the key in position for cutting on the CodeMax
or any other machine.
Jaw type:
Denoted by the letters A, B, or C. Indicates the proper jaw used for cutting a specific key.
plain Side
The flat side of the key which faces towards the cutter when properly positioned for cutting
(the gauging point for this type of key is referred to as a Left Side Jaw Gauge).
A set of numbers within a given range, which refers to a key code number.
Shoulder Gauge:
Used to gauge standard cylinder and automotive keys. (Refer to section .).
Shoulder Side
The non-flat side of the key which faces towards the cutter when properly positioned for
cutting (the gauging point for this type of key is referred to as a Shoulder Gauge).
Speed adjustment
Increase or decrease rate of feed in the y-axis or depths.