Restoring the operating system
Before you restore the operating system, back up your data.
When you run RestorePlus! from media, the process deletes all information on the primary hard drive,
including all partitions. If you run RestorePlus! from the recovery partition, only the root (C:) partition is
Using RestorePlus!
To restore with RestorePlus!:
Boot the computer from the RestorePlus! DVD. You must start from the RestorePlus! DVD for device
drivers and settings to be installed.
Follow the prompts to restore the operating system.
Some application software might not be restored using this process. If software is not restored, install it
from the appropriate application DVD.
Restoring Novell SLED
The SLED restore media is required to restore the Linux operating system.
Creating restore media
THE SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop preload includes a SUSE ISO icon on the desktop. You can click
this icon to go to the
directory. The
directory contains all iso images used to preload your
computer. To recover or restore the original image, follow the instructions in the readme file in the
directory to copy the ISO image file onto CDs.
Make copies of the ISO recovery images on CD as backup files in case your computer
experiences a hard drive failure.
Restoring Windows 7 or Windows Vista