Communicating With Programmatic Interfaces
Supplemental Information for D-Series Systems
107365 Tandem Computers Incorporated
You can access the process name as follows:
PUSH proc^offset proc^len proc^lwa procname
SET VARIABLE proc^len &
[#IF proc^len > 0 |THEN|
SET VARIABLE proc^offset &
SET VARIABLE proc^lwa [#compute proc^proc^len-1]
SET VARIABLE procname &
You can access the termination text as follows:
PUSH termtext^len termtext^lwa termtext
SET VARIABLE termtext^len &
[#IF termtext^len > 0 |THEN|
SET VARIABLE termtext^lwa [#compute termtext^len-1]
SET VARIABLE termtext &
Communicating With
Section 7, “Using Programmatic Interfaces,” describes how to access the SPI and EMS
interfaces. To describe a high-PIN process to one of these interfaces, you must use a
process handle in place of a process identifier (CRTPID). The D-series TACL product
recognizes a new data type called PHANDLE (process handle) for STRUCT variables.
TACL uses ten unsigned integers, separated by periods, to represent a process handle
in external form (as returned by #SSGET or #OUTVAR). Each integer can range from
0 to 65535. Use this external form whenever you send a process handle to TACL (as
used by #SSPUT and #SET). The following example shows a process handle in TACL
external form:
To display a process handle, you can use the OUTVAR command or #OUTPUTV
built-in function. The #VARIABLEINFO built-in function with option TYPE returns
type PHANDLE for a process handle field in a STRUCT.
#SSGET and #SSPUT convert a process handle to and from the external form. Neither
function checks the validity of the handle, but #SSPUT checks to make sure the handle
contains ten unsigned integers, each with a value between zero and 65535.
D-series TACL supports the new token data type ZSPI^TDT^PHANDLE, which has
the value type of a process handle. The format of ZSPI^TDT^PHANDLE consists of