Edge Switch 2/12 Service Manual
General Information
The HP StorageWorks Edge Switch 2/12 provides up to 12 ports of low-cost and
high-performance dynamic Fibre Channel connectivity for switched fabric
devices or arbitrated loop devices. The switch allows low-cost, low-bandwidth
workgroup (edge) devices to communicate with mainframe servers, mass storage
devices, or other peripherals, and ultimately be incorporated into an enterprise
storage area network (SAN) environment.
This chapter provides the following information:
Error-Detection, Reporting, and Serviceability Features
Switch Description
The Edge Switch 2/12 provides Fibre Channel device connectivity through 12
ports that operate at either 1.0625 or 2.125 gigabits per second (Gbps), and can be
configured as:
Fabric ports (F_Ports) to provide direct connectivity for up to 12 switched
fabric devices.
Fabric loop ports (FL_Ports) to provide arbitrated loop connectivity and
fabric attachment for FC-AL devices. Each FL_Port can theoretically support
the connection of 126 FC-AL devices.
Expansion ports (E_Ports, G_Ports and Gx_Ports) to provide interswitch link
(ISL) connectivity to fabric directors and switches. Expansion port
connectivity is not standard, and must be configured through the optional
E_Port (or Full Fabric) feature key.