Installation Instructions
universal port module kit installation instructions
4. At the Hardware View, verify the location of the port or UPM card to be tested.
When the mouse cursor is passed over a graphical UPM card on the front view of
the director, the card highlights with a blue border and a pop-up displays with the
following information:
— Port card type (UPM).
— Chassis slot number (0 through 15 inclusive for the director 2/64; 0 through
35 inclusive (excluding 32) for the director 2/140).
— The four consecutive port numbers on the selected card. Valid port numbers
are in the range of 0 through 63 inclusive for the director 2/64. Valid port
numbers are in the range of 0 through 143 inclusive (excluding 128 through
131) for the director 2/140.
5. Reset each port to be tested:
At the Hardware View, double-click the UPM card for which ports are to be
tested. The Port Card View displays.
At the Port Card View, right-click the tested port. A menu displays.
Choose Reset Port. A
Reset Port n
message box displays, where
is the
port number.
d. Click OK. The port resets.
Click Back To Full View to return to the Hardware View.
6. Disconnect the fiber optic jumper cable from the port to be tested. If a UPM card
will be tested, disconnect all four fiber optic jumper cables.
IMPORTANT: If name server zoning is implemented by port number, ensure fiber optic cables
that are disconnected to perform the loopback test are reconnected properly. A cable
configuration change disrupts zone operation and may incorrectly include or exclude a device
from a zone.
7. If the port to be tested is shortwave laser, insert a multimode loopback plug into
the port receptacle. If the port to be tested is longwave laser, insert a single mode
loopback plug into the port receptacle. If an entire UPM card will be tested, insert
an appropriate loopback plug in all four port receptacles.
8. Choose Port Diagnostics from the Maintenance menu. The Port Diagnostics
dialog box displays, as shown in