Shared storage—with cascaded drive enclosures
This example expands on the cabling paths illustrated in
“Shared storage—dual controller, optimal
cabling, MSA2000sa” (page 103)
and shows connection paths from a dual-controller MSA2012sa
controller enclosure to three cascaded, dual I/O module MSA2000 drive enclosures.
Features of the MSA2000sa and MSA2000sa G2 differ, but cabling and configuration
concepts are the same. This cabling scenario showing the MSA2000sa may also be applied to
the MSA2000sa G2.
Devices and quantities
MSA2012sa controller enclosures: 1
MSA2000 drive enclosures: 3
BladeSystem c7000 enclosures: 1
3Gb SAS BL Switches: 2
Server blade types: half-height and full-height
Connection details
Switch in interconnect bay 5:
Port 1: to MSA2012sa SAS port A0
Port 2: to MSA2012sa SAS port B0
Switch in interconnect bay 6:
Port 1: to MSA2012sa SAS port A1
Port 2: to MSA2012sa SAS port B1
Shared storage—with cascaded drive enclosures 105