System Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Chapter 1
Air flows out of the rear of the chassis with minimal leakage into the cell airflow plenum.
A power supply filler is required in the unused power supply slot to maintain proper airflow
throughout the system.
PCI/Mass Storage Section Cooling
Two dual fan assemblies located at the center of the chassis provide airflow for all of the PCI slots. Airflow is
over the processor and memory extender boards and into the PCI section. The fans are controlled by the
system temperature and run at the speed necessary to maintain proper internal temperature throughout the
The air is pulled through openings in the front cover and the mass storage devices, and pushed through the
PCI card cage.
Perforation is provided between and above the PCI card cage to allow proper exhaust ventilation to maintain
the required temperature rating of the PCI cards.
For maximum cooling effects, ensure that the chassis ventilation holes are not blocked or
covered after installation.
Figure 1-2
Airflow Through HP 9000 rp4410 and HP 9000 rp4440 Server