EU Mandate 376 ETSI Technical Report ETSI DTR 102 612: "Human Factors (HF); European accessibility
requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain (European Commission
Mandate M 376, Phase 1)" has been released.
Background: The three European Standardization Organizations have set up two parallel project teams to
carry out the work specified in the European Commission "Mandate 376 to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, in Support
of Accessibility Requirements for Public Procurement of Products and Services in the ICT Domain."
ETSI TC Human Factors Specialist Task Force 333 has developed ETSI DTR 102 612. Further details about the
work performed by STF333 (e.g., Terms of Reference, specification of the detailed work tasks, time plan for
the work, previous drafts, listing of comments received and means to contact the task force) can be found at
The parts relating to the assessment of suitable testing and conformity schemes were carried out by a
parallel project, detailed in CEN BT/WG185/PT. For further information, go to the CEN project team website.
The two projects are closely coordinated.
European Commission mandate for e-accessibility (PDF 46KB)
United Kingdom
The Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 (DDA) was enacted to ensure that websites are accessible to blind
and disabled users in the United Kingdom.
The Australian government has announced their plan to implement
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
All Australian government websites will require Level A compliance by 2012, and Double A by 2015. The new
standard replaces WCAG 1.0, which was introduced as a mandated requirement for agencies in 2000.
JTC1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A)
G3ict: The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICT
Italian accessibility legislation
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Standards and legislation