Chapter 1
Prepare Drive for Installation
Step 4: Connect SCSI Cable Adapter (if required)
The SCSI cable adapter, HP part number 5182-4551 (see Figure 1-8), allows you
to connect an Ultra3 SCSI drive to a narrow SCSI cable and narrow SCSI
controller (9.10 GB only). If you are not connecting your drive to a narrow cable,
continue with Step 5.
Narrow SCSI
Ultra3 SCSI
Figure 1-8. Narrow to Ultra/Wide SCSI Adapter
Plug the narrow SCSI cable into the adapter, aligning the notch in the
connector with the slot in the adapter.
Plug the other end of the adapter into the drive. The shape of the
connector prevents it from being plugged into the drive incorrectly.
Step 5: Continue Installation
If you are installing the drive in an HP NetServer L Series, continue with
Chapter 2. If you are installing the drive in an HP NetServer E 45 or E 50,
continue with Chapter 3. If you are installing the drive in an HP NetServer E 60,
refer to the HP NetServer E 60 Installation Guide.