Settings for typical FCoE port
If setting up multiple ports simultaneously use the range command
Ex. [5900CP]interface range Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 to
Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/9
#Use the description to help with defining what the link is used for
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1
description R113-S01
port link-mode bridge
port link-type hybrid
#vlan numbers have to be what you have defined
port hybrid vlan 4001 tagged
port hybrid vlan 1 1001 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 1001
priority-flow-control auto
priority-flow-control no-drop dot1p 3
lldp tlv-enable dot1-tlv dcbx
qos trust dot1p
qos wrr be group 1 byte-count 15
qos wrr af1 group 1 byte-count 15
qos wrr af2 group sp
qos wrr af3 group sp
qos wrr af4 group sp
qos wrr ef group sp
qos wrr cs6 group sp
qos wrr cs7 group sp
qos apply policy DCBX outbound
Standard FC inteface - to change the ethernet port to FC use the
port-type fc command
interface Fc1/0/11
port access vsan 100
qos trust dot1p
Setup a Vfc to enable FCoE device login
interface Vfc1
HP FlexFabric 5900CP switch configuration file