Key Features and Benefits
High-performance, scalable fabric-based encryption to enforce data confidentiality and privacy requirements
Encryption processing at up to 48 Gbit/sec to support heterogeneous enterprise data centers
Integration with HP Secure Key Manager or HP Enterprise Secure Key Manager enables secure and automated key sharing
between multiple sites ensuring transparent access to encrypted data
Industry-standard AES-256 encryption algorithms for disk and tape on a single security platform for SAN environments
Frame Redirection technology that enables easy, non-intrusive deployment of fabric-based security services
Plug-in encryption services available to all heterogeneous servers, including virtual machines, in data center fabrics
Scalable performance with on-demand encryption processing power to meet regulatory mandates for protecting data
Encryption with the HP Encryption SAN Switch and the HP Encryption FC Blade is not fully supported with Thin Provisioned LUNs
in storage arrays. HP recommends LUNs to be encrypted are fully provisioned. For LUNs that are already thin provisioned and then
encryption enabled, be aware that enabling First Time Encryption (FTE) or Re-Key will make the LUN fully provisioned. This is applicable
to any array in general.
HP Encryption SAN Switch
Features and Benefits
DA - 13219 Worldwide — Version 21 — December 9, 2013
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