ESD Precautions
The Electrical Interface contains components sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
To prevent component damage, carefully follow the handling precautions pre-
sented below.
The smallest static voltage most people can feel is about 3500 volts. It takes less
than one tenth of that (about 300 volts) to destroy or severely damage static sen-
sitive circuits. Often, static damage does not immediately cause a malfunction but
significantly reduces the component's life. Adhering to the following precautions
will reduce the risk of static discharge damage.
Keep the module in its conductive plastic bag when not installed in the VXI
mainframe. Save the bag for future storage of the module.
Before handling the module, select a work area where potential static sources
are minimized. Avoid working in carpeted areas and non-conductive chairs.
Keep body movement to a minimum. Hewlett-Packard recommends that you
use a controlled static workstation.
Handle the module by its front panel. Avoid touching any components or edge
connectors. When you are ready to configure the module, remove it from its
protective bag and lay it on top of the bag while keeping your free hand in
contact with the bag. While configuring the module, keep one hand in contact
with the bag. This technique maintains your body and the module at the same
static potential.
When you install the module, keep one hand in contact with the protective bag
as you pick up the module with your other hand. Then, before installing the
module, make contact with the metal surface of the VXI mainframe with your
free hand to bring you, the module, and the mainframe to the same static
This also applies whenever you connect/disconnect cables on
the front panel.
The connectors on the front panel remain susceptible to ESD damage while the
module is installed in the VXI mainframe, as indicated by the label:
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