Functional Features
The Electrical Interface transmits and receives data at the SONET/SDH data rate
of 155.52 Mb/s. Communication with the 155 Mb/s Optical Line Interface and the
System Under Test is by RF cables fixed to connectors on the front panel.
Figure 1.1 shows a typical system configuration. The System Under Test can be a
complete transmission system, or individual system components. See “Connecting
to an Optical Line Interface”, page 2-4 and “Connecting to the System Under
Test”, page 2-5 for further details.
Figure 1.1
Typical Configuration
See the HP E1697A 155 Mb/s Optical Line Interface User’s Guide (HP p/n E1697-
90002) for guidance when configuring the 155 Mb/s Optical Line Interface.
The HP E1697A supplies binary NRZ (nonreturn to zero) formatted data signals
and associated clock signals to the input of the Electrical Interface. The Electrical
Interface then applies CMI encoding to the signal before passing it to the System
Under Test.
HP E1499A
System Under Test.
HP E1663A
HP E1697A
HP E1400B
VXI mainframe.
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