Service Reference Guide, dx5150
Setup Utilities and Diagnostics Features
2.4.4 Running Diagnostic Tests in Diagnostics for Windows
To run diagnostic tests:
1. Click
Start > HP Information Center > Diagnostics for Windows
Alternately, you can access Diagnostics for Windows using the Control Panel.
The screen displays the overview of the computer hardware and software. Five tabs are
displayed below the row of icons:
, and
2. Click the
tab, or click
at the top of the screen and select
3. Select one of the following options:
Quick Test—Runs a quick, general test on each device. Requires no user intervention if
Unattended Mode is selected.
Complete Test—Runs maximum testing of each device. The user can select Interactive
Mode or Unattended Mode.
Custom Test—Runs only the tests you select. To select specific devices or tests, find the
device in the list, then select the check box beside each test. When selected, a red check
mark is displayed in the box. Some tests selected may require user intervention.
To test all subsystems, you must log in as the administrator. If you do not log in as the
administrator, you will be unable to test some subsystems. The inability to test a subsystem is
indicated by an error message under the subsystem name in the Test window or by shaded boxes
that you cannot check.
4. Select
Interactive Mode
Unattended Mode
. In Interactive Mode, the diagnostic software
prompts you for any required input during tests. Some tests require interaction and display
errors or halt testing if selected in conjunction with Unattended Mode.
Interactive Mode provides maximum control over the testing process. You determine
whether the test passed or failed. The software may prompt you to insert or remove
Unattended Mode does not display prompts. The software displays all discovered errors
when testing is complete.
5. Click the
Begin Testing
button at the bottom of the window. Test Status is displayed,
showing the progress and result of each test. For more details on the tests run, click the
tab or click
at the top of the screen and select
6. To view a test report, select one of three tabs:
—Summarizes the tests run, passed, and failed during the current testing session.
—Lists tests run on the system, the numbers of times each test has run, the number
of errors found on each test, and the total run time of each test.
—Lists all errors found on the computer with their error codes.
7. To save a test report:
Select the
tab, then click
to save a Log tab report.
Select the
tab, then click
to save an Error tab report.