Firmware, Add-ons, and Printer Installation Guide for Compaq T1000xT1010 Thin Client Products Installation Guide
This document provides installation procedures to install the Thin Client Manager (TCM) Remote
Administrator Tool Firmware Upgrade, the Add-ons (software and printer drivers), and printer for
the Compaq T1000/T1010 Thin Client products.
Target Audience
This guide is for users with experience installing management software in a distributed
computing environment, who should also possess the following:
A basic working knowledge of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
Familiarity with Compaq servers, desktops, workstations, and portables
A working knowledge of network management concepts, including TCP/IP and SNMP
Proceed through this installation guide in a systematic step-by-step manner to accurately build the
initial installation. This guide may also be used for future reference to specific areas or for
reinstalling specific components.
Document Conventions
This document specifies the actions for installing the Firmware Upgrade, the Add-ons, and
Printer and uses the following conventions:
Each section discusses the actions associated with a specific phase of the installation process.
Menu options are represented in this manner:
The text you enter or click in a display is shown in a
font in brackets, such as [
], [
], [
], and [
Notes and important information are emphasized as follows:
Read this important information.
Please read this note for extra information.
Pre-Installation Requirements
Before installing the Firmware Upgrade, the Add-ons, and the printer, verify that your
environment meets the hardware and software requirements described in the following sections.
Hardware Requirements
Compaq T1000 or Compaq T1010 Thin Clients
Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows CE Software