Figure 12.
HP SIM Single Sign-On to iLO process
The numbered steps shown in Figure 12 describe the authentication process:
The user logs-in to HP Systems Insight Manager Central Management Server.
The user follows a link in HP SIM. This link initiates the SSO connection.
iLO generates a timed, one-time secret to prevent replay attacks.
HP SIM builds a signed link incorporating the resource, secret, user, and HP SIM.
Client browser redirects to the link at the Integrated Lights-Out processor.
iLO validates the request based on the request contents, iLO configuration, secret, and HP SIM
source. Authenticated requests receive the resource.
SIM SSO does not affect the local iLO user. SSO trust is iLO-based and can be determined by server
name, by certificate, or by both. HP recommends using certificates. Certificates must be imported to