Before the computer formats the specified drive, it prompts you to press a
key to start formatting. This is to ensure that you don't accidentally
format a disc that you don't want erased. (Remember that formatting a disc
erases all information on that disc.)
After pressing a key to confirm that you want a disc formatted,
the computer begins formatting the disc.
Once you've installed a formatted disc in an HP-IL disc drive, you
can use it.
EXAMPLE: You want to copy a spreadsheet file called PROJ.WKS on the
desktop PC (drive A) to an HP Portable (drive D). In this example, you
have two internal floppy disc drives (A and B) and a hard disc drive (C).
Besides the Portable, there are no other external drives connected to the
desktop PC. To transfer the file to the Portable:
1. Run HPLINK on the Portable. This makes the Portable a disc drive.
2. Ensure that an HP-IL driver is installed, as described at the beginning
of this section.
3. On the desktop PC type:
The file is now on drive A in the Portable.
6.4 Using an HP-IL Printer
You can use an HP-IL printer with the MS-DOS PRINT utility and
certain applications. Some applications (and the [Prt Sc] key)
cannot talk to HP-IL printers.
NOTE: Not all applications are able to print to HP-IL. This
printer capability is provided for applications that are
able to use an HP-IL printer.
Be sure you know how your printer operates before using it. If all the
information sent to the printer isn't being printed, it may be that the print
buffer still has information in it. (Refer to the owner's manual for your
printer for more information about how the printer prints information.)
When you use the PRINT command to print files on the HP-IL printer, the
computer prompts you to enter the name of the printer device if you
haven't done so since booting the operating system.
To specify the HP-IL printer (you can specify the first printer on the
loop only), enter the printer name (either HPILPRN, PRN, or LPT1, depending
on the driver installed) in response to the prompt. The system printer
on the desktop PC retains its designator (LPT1 or PRN) unless the HP-IL
printer has that name.