5.2 How To Run HPLINK
To run HPLINK insert the software disc in drive A and type A:HPLINK.
HPLINK displays the following selection of devices:
1: Disc
2: Printer
3: Display
(E) Exit
HPLINK also displays the current device at the bottom of the display. (The
default is "Disc Drive.") A desktop PC can act as one device at a time only.
To select a device type, press the number key corresponding to the device you
want. For example, to use the desktop PC disc drives, press (1). To end the
HPLINK program, press (E). This returns you to the operating system.
So far, this section has described everything you need to know to begin
using HPLINK. If you want to try running HPLINK now, press (E) to exit from
this manual, ensure the software disc is in drive A and type: A:HPLINK.
The rest of this section describes more about using HPLINK. If you want more
information about how disc drives are assigned or about using the desktop PC
printer and display, you can continue with the next screen.
Note: If the desktop PC has no physical disc drive B, you should read the
screens on using desktop PC disc drives (beginning next screen).
5.3 Using Desktop PC Disc Drives
When you select Disc from the HPLINK menu, the disc drives connected to the
desktop PC are accessible to an HP Portable. The drives are automatically
assigned drive identifiers that follow in the sequence of the existing
Portable PC disc drives.
For example, if you have drives A: and B: assigned on the Portable and then
run HPLINK and select Disc from the HPLINK menu, the desktop disc drives are
assigned to the Portable as drives C:, D:, and so on. To use the desktop PC
drives, ensure that the number of external drives specified in the Portable
system configuration is at least the number of desktop PC drives.