HP Pavilion home PC
Filename: sb3usqs.doc Title: HP-Print2k.dot
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: kimt
Revision #: 159 Page: 104 of 134 Printed: 01/14/03 09:36 AM
connecting to the Internet, 84
DVD-R disc not working, 72
DVD-RW disc not working, 72
keyboard, 82, 83
monitor, 82
mouse, 85
no sound, 80
PC not working, 81
printer, 80
troubleshooting, 79
turning on PC, 79
problem resolution
HP Instant Support, 13
troubleshooting, xx, 79
product notices, 75
programs, uninstalling, 97
receiving e-mails, 54
reconfiguring keyboard buttons, 25
RecordNow CD/DVD Writer
program, 66
recovering system
using CDs, 91
using System Restore, 87
Recovery CD Creator, 91
region code, 71
registering with HP, xiv, 6
reinstalling software, 88, 89, 98
removing desktop icons, 97
removing unneeded software, 97
repetitive strain injury (RSI), 9
replacement parts, 52
resolution, changing monitor
properties, 26
restoring system, 87
RJ-45 port, 48
safety warnings, 1
saving electricity, 37
scrolling mouse, 14
Search button, 22
for files or folders, 11
the Internet, 44
selecting programs or
documents, 11
sending an e-mail, 54
service locations, 52
setting up PC, 5, 9
viewing or changing, 11
Volume Control, 30
shortcut icons, xvi
shutting down PC, 36
sleep mode.
hibernation mode
corrupted, 88
erased, 88
finding, xxii
reinstalling, 88, 89, 98
uninstalling, 97
updating, 51
solving common problems, 79
sound, troubleshooting, 80
speaker volume, adjusting, 29
speakers, 26
multi-channel, 27
Standby button, 23