Klein ISD Tablet PC Parent/Student Agreement Form 2014-2015
I am aware of the terms set forth in the Klein ISD Student Tablet PC handbook. I understand and will
comply with all of the conditions outlined within. Parents, please read and
the following:
_______ I understand that my student must report any needed repairs and or damage to the
Tablet PC within 5 school days from time of occurrence otherwise I may be liable for any
cost incurred by the district to repair or replace the Tablet PC.
_______ I have received and understand that I am bound by the terms and conditions stated in
the 2014-2015 Klein ISD Student Tablet Handbook.
Please initial
(1) of the following options:
_______ I am purchasing the Accidental Damage and Protection Coverage (ADPC) for $60.00
(does not cover stylus, charger, extended battery, internal battery, carrying case,
damage due to gross neglect or intentional damage).
_______ I
to purchase the Accidental Damage and Protection Coverage and will assume
full responsibility for the costs associated with repair and/or replacement of the Tablet
PC or any component. Because I have chosen not to purchase the Accidental Damage and
Protection Coverage, I will remit a $350.00 Security Deposit to Klein ISD. The $350.00
Tablet PC Security Deposit is
fully refundable
at the end of the school year (or when a
student checks out of school)
when the Tablet PC is returned to Klein ISD in acceptable
working order
. The $350.00 Tablet PC Security Deposit will be applied to all outstanding
charges for repair of the Tablet PC.
In the event charges exceed $350.00, I will be
responsible for the entire repair charge.
Student Name (please print)
Student Signature
Student ID #
Parent/Guardian Name (please print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Page 13
Klein ISD Tablet PC
Parent/Student Agreement Form 2014-15
Page 14
The Klein ISD Student Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Technology
Resources can be found in the Klein ISD Student Handbook and on the
district website at: h p://www.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?name=it.aup
It is included as Pages 11-14 of the Tablet PC Handbook for convenient
Klein Independent School District Student Guidelines for Acceptable Use of
Technology Resources
These guidelines are provided so that students and parents are aware
of the responsibili es students accept when they use District-owned
computer hardware, opera ng system so ware, applica on so ware,
stored text, data
les, electronic mail, local databases, removable media,
digi zed informa on, communica on technologies, and Internet access. In
general, this requires e
cient, ethical, and legal u liza on of all technology
1. Expecta ons
2. Unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to the following:
a. Using the network for illegal ac vi es, such as copyright, license, or
contract viola ons or downloading inappropriate materials, viruses, and/
or so ware, including but not limited to hacking and host
le sharing
so ware.
b. Using the network for
nancial or commercial gain, adver sing, or
poli cal ac vi es.
c. Accessing or exploring online content that does not support the
curriculum and/or is inappropriate for school assignments, including but
not limited to pornographic sites.
d. Vandalizing, tampering, or accessing without permission, equipment,
les, so ware, system performance, or other technology. Use or
possession of hacking so ware is strictly prohibited.
e. Causing conges on on the network or interfering with the work of
others, e.g., chain le ers, jokes, or pictures to lists or individuals.
f. Unauthorized or non-curricular use of online video, music or streaming
g. Gaining unauthorized access anywhere on the network.
h. Invading the privacy of other individuals.