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Wireless Aidalarm Kit
A600WKITB, A600WKIT12 and A600WKITM
The Aidalarm is a disabled toilet alarm designed for compliance with BS8300, the system is
composed of a
Main Controller (A600WB or A600W12 or A600WM)
, a
Pull Chord (S1600-W)
, a
Reset Button (S1708W)
and an
Overdoor Light (S1778W)
A600W Aidalarm
controller should be sited where staff are located who can respond to an
emergency call. The A600WM is powered by 230vac, the A600W12 needs a separate 12V PSU
and the A600WB requires 1 x 3.6V D-battery. The unit will give a relay output when the unit is in
alarm. It is recommended that the controller is placed within 15 meters of the remote devices, but
this distance can vary depending on the environment. Up to 8 remote devices can be used per
Pull Cord S1600-W
should be appropriately sited for the application in the WC or where
assistance is required. Additional pull cords if required are available separately. The lower bangle
on the cord should be set at 100mm above floor level. The second bangle should be set between
800 and 1000mm above floor level. The pull chord requires 1 x CR123 battery.
Reset Button S1708W
should be sited near the point of call and should be mounted with the
bottom edge between 800 and 1000mm above floor level and a minimum of 350mm from any corner.
The reset button requires 1 x CR123 battery
Overdoor Light/Sounder S1778W
is usually sited outside and above the WC door.
The overdoor light/ sounder requires 1 x 3.6V D battery
S1778W Over Door Light and
Buzzer Located outside WC
A600WM Aidalarm controller: Located within 15 meters of all
S1708W Reset Button
Located inside WC
S1600-W Pull chord
Located inside WC
Dwg 60305 Iss1 OCT 19