Curbs, Ramps, Slopes & Side Hills
The terrain has an effect on you and your power chair. Any sort of slope will change your center
of balance. Always use your best judgement and if ever in doubt, have someone help you.
● Steep slopes pose a danger The ADA suggests ramps should offer 12 inches of length
for every 1 inch in rise
● Wet or slippery surfaces - such as when ice, snow, water or oil - can cause a loss of
traction may which could result in a fall or tip-over
● A change in grade on a slope (or a lip, bump or depression). These may cause a fall or
● A drop-off at the bottom of a slope of as little as 3/4 inch can stop a front caster and
cause the Model H to tip forward
● Be mindful of any side hills as tipping may be an issue
● Your Model H is not designed to drive up or down a curb or step more than 1/2 inch high
○ To prevent a fall or tip-over, use ramps or have someone help you
○ If you must climb or descend a curb/step alone, please do so with extreme care.
Go as straight up or straight down as you can. Never turn or climb or descend at
an angle as a fall or tip-over is likely. Proceed slowly, at a steady speed.
● Stairs: Never use your Model H to go up or down stairs, even with an attendant. Doing
so is likely to cause a fall or tip-over as well as damage to the Power Chair.
● Escalators: Never take your Model H on an escalator, even with an attendant. Doing so
is likely to cause a fall or tip-over as well as damage to the Power Chair.
Environment & Everyday Use
Your Model H is not designed for use in rain, snow, or icy conditions.
● Contact with water or excessive moisture can cause an electrical malfunction. The
frame, motors and other Model H parts are not waterproof and can rust or corrode from
the inside. To avoid issues, we suggest:
○ Minimize exposure to a rain or wet conditions
○ Never take your Model H into a shower, tub, pool or sauna.
○ Do not use your Model H in fresh or saltwater (such as at the edge of a stream,
lake, or ocean)
○ Make sure shroud cover and deck lid are secure
○ Make sure all electrical connections are secure. Dry the Model H as soon as you
can if it gets wet, or if you use water to clean it
○ Make sure the battery area is kept dry
● Proceed slowly and use extra care if you must operate your Model H on a wet or slick
○ Do so only if you are sure it is safe
JDY Imports
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