Turn on the cold water supply to the water heater and allow the water heater and
the ACWH unit to fill with water. Bleed air from the system by opening the boiler
drain on the hot out side. This primes the ACHW pump. Next open the pressure
relief valve on the tank until all air is removed. Last, open a hot water faucet and
run until you feel a steady stream of flow from the hot water faucet. Note the
water will be cool because the tank has recently been drained.
6.Turn the power (or gas) back on the water heater and check for normal
The ACWH unit is capable of generating very hot water. Precautions should be
taken to avoid the possibility of scalding. We recommend installing a mixing or
“scald” valve to prevent scalding. Make sure that the “hot water out” line is well
insulated and protected from accidental handling or damage.
* Do not attempt to create a return of the ACWH unit hot water by modifying the
water heater’s pressure relief valve opening.