Hotpoint Aquarius FDW60 Instructions For Installation And Use Manual Download Page 12




First of all.
- Turn on the water supply
tap completely.
- Add the correct amount
of detergent.
- Load the baskets
- Check that the spray
arms rotate freely.
- Close the door securely.

- Press the ON-OFF button "A":
you will hear a short beep and indi-
cator light "B" comes on.
Your appliance is now on and await-
ing instructions.

Select the wash cycle.
Select the wash cycle by pressing
button "P". Each time this button is
pressed, a beep will sound and indi-
cator lights “E” will come on in
sequence.Select the wash cycle
most suitable for the type of dishes
to wash (see ‘Programme  Chart’).
Close the door and press the Start
button after a few seconds, you will
hear a short beep and the wash cy-
cle will started.

The dishwasher informs
Your dishwasher has indicator lights
"G" which light up to indicate the
wash cycle phase that is underway.
Modifying a wash cycle in
If you have chosen the wrong cycle
- You can modify the wash cycle in
progress, if it has only just started.
Keep the Reset button "R" pressed
in for approximately 5 seconds, a
prolonged beep will sound, followed
by three short beeps.
Indicator light "G" will go out to
show all the settings will have been
cancelled. You are now free to re-
set the correct wash cycle.

You've left out a dish?
Interrupt the wash cycle by press-
ing the On-Off button  "A",  then
insert the dish you had forgotten.
When you shut the door, press the
On-Off button again. The cycle will
start up from where you interrupted

Cycle end
The end of the wash cycle is indi-
cated by 2 short beeps and  the
flashing  of the drying phase indica-
tor light.
Turn the appliance off by pressing
the On-Off button “A”, thus switch-
ing off the electricity supply.
Turn off the water tap.
Wait a few minutes before unload-
ing the dishes: they are very hot! If
you wait a little while, they dry better
due  to the steam.
Empty the lower basket first.

There's been a power
failure or you opened the
dishwasher door
The wash cycle stops and then
restarts when the electricity comes
back on or when you close the door.

How to use your Dishwasher

Delaying the start of a
When you have loaded the dishes,
you can choose when to start your
dishwasher before setting the wash
cycle desired.
Press button "D" to delay the start
of the wash cycle by 12, 9, 6 or 3
hours. Each time you press it, you
will hear a short beep and indicator
light "G" corresponding to the
selected delay will come on.
Select the desired wash cycle.
Press the Start button, you hear the
beep, the countdown to the delayed
start will begin.
If, for example, you have set a 12
hour delay, once you have selected
a wash cycle the 12 hour indicator
light will flash... followed by the others
in sequence until the set time delay
is up. The indicator lights will keep
you informed of the countdown
progress at all times.
Once this time is up, indicator light
"G" will stop flashing and the wash
cycle will begin.

If you change your mind and you
wish to set a different delay, just open
the door, press button "D", you need
not reset the wash cycle.
If you want to cancel the delay set
and you wish to start the wash cycle
immediately, press button "D"
repeatedly until the cycle starts and
indicator light "G" corresponding to
the cycle start phase comes on.

Cycle phase and delayed
start indicator light "G"

Flashing to indicate a

delayed start, to remind you that you
have set a delayed start.

On, lit constantly, each light

shows which stage of the wash
cycle is in progress.

Half load.
Your dishwasher also allows you to
wash half  a load, to save water ,
electricity and detergent (use only
half the amount).
Before setting a wash cycle , press
button "F", indicator light "H" will
come on.
NOTE: When set the dishwasher
will wash on the upper basket only.

To see the settings you
have selected
At any time, when the cycle is
underway, if you press button "F",
the cycle in progress indicator light
will light up for a few seconds...
followed by the half load indicator light
if set.

For your own safety,
ensure the door is closed
when the dishwasher is
not in use.

Summary of Contents for Aquarius FDW60

Page 1: ...Instructions for Installation and Use Aquarius FDW60 FDW65 60cm free standing Dishwasher ...

Page 2: ...2 D ISHWASHER ...

Page 3: ...12 13 14 22 23 24 25 26 27 Back Cover Retention of this Instruction Book This Instruction Book must be kept handy for reference as it contains important details on the safe and proper use of the appliance If you sell or pass the appliance to someone else or move house and leave it behind make sure this Book is also provided so the new owner can become familiar with the appliance and safety warning...

Page 4: ...nglyadvisedthatthisworkiscarriedout byaqualifiedelectrician Ifthedomesticwiringincludesaresidualcurrent operatedcircuit breaker ensurethatitconformstothelatestregulations Safety Information Atthetimeofdelivery Allfunctionsofyourdishwasherhavebeenthoroughlytestedatthe factory Asmallnumberofwatermarksmayhavebeenleftasa result theywilldisappearwhentheapplianceisusedforthefirsttime Thisapplianceshould...

Page 5: ...rerdeclines allresponsibilityforusesotherthanthosedescribedabove Theratingplate featuringthetechnicaldata serialnumberand markings isvisiblypositionedontheinneredgeofthedoor DONOTremovetheratingplate Thedishwasherisintendedforusebyadults DONOTallowchildren to come near or play with the controls Keepchildrenawayfromdetergentsandclearofthedishwasher doorwhenopen Keep all packaging material away from...

Page 6: ... foul drain system and not to surface water drains IMPORTANT For the correct operationofyourdishwasher itis essentialtocomplywiththefollowing information Standpipe Ensurethatthehoseisnotpushed toofardownthestandpipe Iftheendofyourdrainhoseisfitted with retainingflaps ensuretheyare insertedfullyintothestandpipe This willpreventthepipefromjumping outduringinstallationanduse DO NOT position the stand...

Page 7: ...ece photo3 and aftertiltingtheappliance glue onanotheroneunderneaththebase photo4 Straightenuptheapplianceandadjustthefrontandbackfeetbyunscrewingtheminananti clockwisedirectiontoraisethe dishwashertotherequiredheight Inserttheapplianceunderneaththeworktop fig 5 checkingthattheinletandoutletpipesdonotgetbentorsquashed please readtheinstructionsprovidedinthe Installation chapter Openthedishwasherdo...

Page 8: ...stickyoryoucan seewhitestreaks WerecommendGlist3in1foruseinallHotpointdishwashers BrilliantcleaningisguaranteedwithGlist3in1 HotpointonlyrecommendsGlist3in1Dishwashertabletstogiveoutstandingcleaningand care It is important to use detergent specially designed for domestic dishwashers Always follow the manufacturersinstructions Glist3in1advanceddishwashertabletswithactiveenzymesaretheidealwaytoprote...

Page 9: ...sheruse Thesaltcontainerissituatedunderneaththelowerbasket fillitupas follows 1 Pull out the lower basket completely unscrew and remove the containercap 2 If it is the first time you add the salt first fill the container up with water youwon thavetodothisagainnexttime 3 Putthedishwasherfunnelontheholeandpourinapproximately two kilos of salt It is normal that some water comes out of the container 4...

Page 10: ...ld more delicate and lighter dishware such as glasses coffee and tea cups and saucers as well as plates small bowls and shallow pans as long as they are not too dirty Position the dishes and cookware so that they do not get moved by the spray of water How to adjust the Upper rack The top rack can be adjusted using the two rack heights top and bottom To adjust the rack open up the tabs that lock th...

Page 11: ...ndle to open the door D Delayed start select button This button delays the start of the wash cycle you selected by 12 9 6 or 3 hours E Cycle indicator light This light informs you which cycle you have selected or the one in progress F Half load selection button To allow you to wash a half load in the upper basket G Cycle phase and delayed start indicator lights Thes indicator lights inform you whi...

Page 12: failure or you opened the dishwasher door The wash cycle stops and then restartswhentheelectricitycomes backonorwhenyouclosethedoor How to use your Dishwasher Delaying the start of a programme Whenyouhaveloadedthedishes youcanchoosewhentostartyour dishwasherbeforesettingthewash cycledesired Pressbutton D todelaythestart ofthewashcycleby12 9 6or3 hours Eachtimeyoupressit you willhearashortbeepan...

Page 13: ...rinse at 65 C Drying 5 25 g 120 NORMAL Cycle for normally dirty pans and dishes Standard daily cycle Wash at 55 C Cold rinse Hot rinse at 70 C Drying 30 g 72 ECO Environmentally friendly cycle with low energy consumption levels suitable for normally dirty pans and dishes 2 cold pre washes Wash at 45 C Hot rinse at 65 C Drying 5 25g 130 FAST Economic and fast cycle to be used for slightly dirty dis...

Page 14: ...ajar This way moistureandbadodourswillnotbe trappedinside The seals One of the factors that cause unpleasantodourstoforminsidethe dishwasherisfoodthatremains trapped in the seals Periodic cleaningusingadampspongewill preventthisfromoccurring DO NOT use solvents or abrasivestocleantheexteriorand rubberpartsofyourappliance do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning products Use a cloth dampenedwithluk...

Page 15: ... 6hr Delay Set Rinse 9hr Delay Set Drying 12hr delay Set Follow the instructions below to cancel Step1 Pressthe DelayStart Buttonuntilalllightareout Step2 Selectwashprogrammeasnormal Please Note The Drying light will also flash to indicate the end of a programme See Cycle Phase Indicator Lights Flashing below Salt Refill Light Flashing Not Going Out When Salt Added Salt refill light will flash if ...

Page 16: ... aid light will flash continuously Leaking From Rear Of Machineeaking PossibleIncorrectFitmentofWater InletHosePossi ChCheck Isthewaterinlethoseconnectionsecuredatrearofmachine Fig1 andhasfilterwasher A beenfitted Fig2 Filter washer A can be foundwiththeInstruction Bookwhenthemachine is delivered Fil F Fig 1 Fig 2 Machine Connection Tap Connection Cycle Indicator Lights FlashingC Your dishwasher i...

Page 17: not solve the problem check that the water feed pipe filter is not blocked Wash cycle indicator lights 3 5 flashing Eco Prewash PossibleFilterBlockage In Indicators3 5 Eco Prewash dicators Ifwashcycleindicatorlights3 5 Eco Prewash areflashing then youneedtoclearthefilterofanyblockagesbeforeprogrammecanproceed Step1 Pressthe On OffButton toturnoffyourdishwasher Step2 Removefilterfrombaseofmachin...

Page 18: ...the Drying phase indicator light will continue to flash ntil a new programme is selected or the machine is reset This is normal When a Pre Wash programme isselected the Rinse lightwill illuminate Thisisnormal TheRinseLight ratherthanthePrewashlightilluminates becausePrewashisbasicallya ColdRinse cycle i e themachineis usingpartoftherinsecycletogivethePrewashfunction Poor Wash Results ResidueOnDish...

Page 19: ...thelower position themaximumheightfor platesis26cm Withtheupperbasketintheupper position themaximumheightfor platesisincreasedto31cm Poor Drying Results FastWashProgrammeSelected ThereisnodryingcycleontheFastWashProgramme Toadjusttheupperbasketposition followinstructionbelow Step1 Pushthewhitestoppersatthefrontofthebasketshelvesoutwards andremovethebasket Seefig 1 Fig 2 Step2 Pushthebasketrunnersb...

Page 20: ...Using small coin rotate adjustertodesiredsetting Werecommendsettingto4 RinseAidAdjuster The Dishwasher Will Not Drain PossibleInstallationFault Particularlyifthemachineisbeing usedforthefirsttime Check Isthedrainhosekinked Isthesinktrapblocked Ifthisisthecaseyouwillexperience problemswhityoursinkdrainage Ensuretheblankingplug closedendconnector hasbeenremoved ifconnectedtoasinktrap thisisthemostco...

Page 21: ...kingagainstdishes See LoadingYourDishwasher Sectionoftheinstructionbook Crockeyhasnotbeenstackedcorrectly Thisiscausedbythewayyouhavethewaterpipeslaidandhasno effectuponthedishwasherfunctions Ifyourcoldwatermainspressureissettoohigh thenoiselevelwill beincreased DishwasherStoppingDuring Cycle Knocking Noise coming from Dishwasher KnockingNoiseComingfromInlet Valves See Key Contacts on the back pag...

Page 22: ...e r p la te 2 6 c m f s e rv in g b o w l 1 9 c m C d e s s e r t p la te 1 9 c m g g la s s 2 5 0 m l D o va l p la tte r 3 5 c m h s a u c e r 1 4 c m k s e rv in g b o w l 1 3 c m i s e rv in g b o w l 1 6 c m D C F Comp 3 Comp 2 Loading the Rinse Aid The amount of rinse aid used for each cycle can be regulated by turning the dose adjuster F which you will find under lid C There are 6 different...

Page 23: ...ed engineers All repairs include a parts and labour guarantee for 12 months from the date of the repair If you require any information or have any questions about your appliance our operators are on hand with help and advice All this ensures that you will receive the best available after sales service possible Extended Warranties UK 08709 088 088 www theservicecentre co uk Republic of Ireland 1850...

Page 24: ...the following provisions that your appliance l Has been installed and used correctly in accordance with this instruction booklet l Has been used solely for domestic purposes and is located on domestic premises ie not for commercial or trade use l Has been properly connected to a suitable electrical supply voltage as stated on the appliance rating plate l Has not been subject to misuse accident mod...

Page 25: ...25 D ISHWASHER NOTES ...

Page 26: ...26 D ISHWASHER NOTES ...

Page 27: ...D ISHWASHER NOTES 27 ...

Page 28: ... Republic of Ireland 1850 302 200 Note Our operators will require the following information Model number Serial number Extended Warranties UK 08709 088 088 Open 8 to 8 Mon Sun www theservicecentre co uk Republic of Ireland 1850 502 200 Genuine Parts and Accessories UK 08709 077 077 Open 8 30 to 5 30 Mon Fri 9 to 12 Sat www theservicecentre co uk Republic of Ireland 01 842 6836 Merloni Elettrodomes...
