Hotpoint Ariston 3Q AA W T/HA Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 7



Using the freezer to its full potential

• Use the FREEZER OPERATION knob to adjust the temperature


see Description


• Do not re-freeze food that is defrosting or that has already been

defrosted. These foods must be cooked and eaten (within 24

• Fresh food that needs to be frozen must not come into contact

with food that has already been defrosted.

• Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids, and which are

corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because they could

• The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen daily is

indicated on the plate containing the technical properties located
on the bottom left side of the refrigerator compartment (for
example: Kg/24h: 4).

• In order to obtain a greater amount of space in the freezer

compartment, you may remove the bins (except the lowest bin
and the special COOL CARE ZONE bin, which has an
adjustable temperature) and place the food directly onto the
evaporator plates.


 To avoid blocking the air circulation inside the freezer

compartment, it is advisable not to obstruct the ventilation holes
with food or containers.


 Do not open the door during freezing.


 If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer

door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer,
ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours.


Indicator light


: to identify the coldest area in the

1. Check that OK appears clearly on the indicator light (




2. If the word “OK” does not appear it means that the temperature is

too high: adjust the REFRIGERATOR OPERATION knob to a
higher position (colder) and wait approximately 10 hours until the
temperature has been stabilised.

3. Check the indicator light again: if necessary, readjust it following

the initial process. If large quantities of food have been added or
if the refrigerator door has been opened frequently, it is normal
for the indicator not to show OK. Wait at least 10 hours before
adjusting the REFRIGERATOR OPERATION knob to a higher

ICE  tray

The fact that they are situated on the top part of the freezer
drawers ensures greater cleanliness: the ice no longer comes into
contact with the food placed inside the freezer compartment;
furthermore, the dripping of the water during filling is avoided (a lid
to cover up the hole after filling with water is also provided).

1. Pull out the tray by pushing it up. Check that the tray is

completely empty and fill it with water through the opening

2. Take care not to exceed the level indicated (MAX WATER

LEVEL). Excess water prevents the ice cubes from dispensing
(if this happens, wait for the ice to melt and empty the tray).

3. Turn the tray 90°: due to the connected compartments each

mould fills with water (

see diagram


4. Close the opening with the lid provided and put the tray back.
5. When the ice has formed (minimum time approximately 8 hours)

knock the tray against a hard surface and wet the outside so
that the ice cubes come loose and take them out through the











Food hygiene

1. Once you have bought your food, remove all external

packaging made of paper/cardboard or other wrappers, which
could introduce bacteria or dirt inside your refrigerator.

2. Protect the food, (especially easily perishable items and those

that have a strong smell), in order to avoid contact between
them, thereby removing both the possibility of germ/bacteria
contamination as well as the diffusion of strong odours inside the

3. Store all food in such a way as to ensure air can circulate freely

between different items.

4. Keep the inside of your fridge clean, taking care not to use

oxidiser or abrasive products.

5. Remove all food past its expiry date from the refrigerator.
6. For the correct preservation of food, all easily perishable items

(soft cheeses, raw fish, meat, etc.) should be stored in the
coldest zone of the fridge compartment, i.e. just above the salad
crisper where the temperature indicator is situated.

Maintenance and care

Switching the appliance off

During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect the
appliance from the electricity supply:

1. set the FREEZER OPERATION knob on
2. pull the plug out of the socket


 If this procedure is not followed, the alarm may sound. This alarm

does not indicate a malfunction. To restore normal operation, it is
sufficient to set the FREEZER OPERATION knob on the desired
value. To disconnect the appliance, follow point 1 and 2.

Cleaning the appliance

• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber seals may

be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in lukewarm
water and bicarbonate of soda or neutral soap. Do not use
solvents, abrasive products, bleach or ammonia.

• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm water and

soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry them carefully.

• The back of the appliance may collect dust which can be

removed by delicately using the hose of a vacuum cleaner set
on medium power. The appliance must be switched off and the
plug must be pulled out before cleaning the appliance.


 Varies by number and/or position,Available only on certain


Summary of Contents for 3Q AA W T/HA

Page 1: ...rkçe Türkçe Türkçe Türkçe Türkçe Kullaným talimatlarý Kullaným talimatlarý Kullaným talimatlarý Kullaným talimatlarý Kullaným talimatlarý KOMBÝNE SOÐUTUCU DONDURUCU KOMBÝNE SOÐUTUCU DONDURUCU KOMBÝNE SOÐUTUCU DONDURUCU KOMBÝNE SOÐUTUCU DONDURUCU KOMBÝNE SOÐUTUCU DONDURUCU Ýçindekiler Ýçindekiler Ýçindekiler Ýçindekiler Ýçindekiler Kullanýmtalimatlarý 1 Teknik Servis 2 Cihazýn tanýmý 3 4 Reversible...

Page 2: ...nde aþaðýda solda bulunan teknik veriler etiketi üzerinde bulunmaktadýr Kesinlikle sadece yetkili teknik elemanlara baþvurunuz Kesinlikle sadece yetkili teknik elemanlara baþvurunuz Kesinlikle sadece yetkili teknik elemanlara baþvurunuz Kesinlikle sadece yetkili teknik elemanlara baþvurunuz Kesinlikle sadece yetkili teknik elemanlara baþvurunuz ve her zaman orijinal yedek parçalarý kullanýnýz ve h...

Page 3: ...u bölmesindekiýsýderecesiayarlanýr düþüktüketimiçinoptimalýsýderecesidir holidayfonksiyonudur Bakýmveonarýmbölümünebakýnýz 2 2 2 2 2 SUPER COOL SUPER COOL SUPER COOL SUPER COOL SUPER COOL hýzlý soðutma tuþu ile soðutucu bölmesi içerisindekiýsýderecesihýzlýbirþekildedüþürmekiçinkullanýlýr Bu tuþa basýldýðýnda SUPER COOL SUPER COOL SUPER COOL SUPER COOL SUPER COOL uyarý lambasý hemen yanar Çalýþtýrm...

Page 4: ...n þekil satýn aldýðýnýz cihazda olmayandeðiþik ayrýntýlarý gösterebilir Sonraki sayfalarda en karýþýk cisimler açýklanmýþtýr 1 1 1 1 1 Ayarlanabilir A A A A AY Y Y Y YAKLAR AKLAR AKLAR AKLAR AKLAR 2 2 2 2 2 SAKLAMA SAKLAMA SAKLAMA SAKLAMA SAKLAMA bölmesi 3 3 3 3 3 Buzluk EASY ICE EASY ICE EASY ICE EASY ICE EASY ICE 4 4 4 4 4 DONDURMA DONDURMA DONDURMA DONDURMA DONDURMA ve SAKLAMA SAKLAMA SAKLAMA S...

Page 5: ...n deðiþtirilmesi Kapýlarýn açýlýþ yönünün deðiþtirilmesi Kapýlarýn açýlýþ yönünün deðiþtirilmesi gerekirse Teknik Servise baþvurunuz Sadece DONDURMA bölmesinin kapýsý için geçerlidir Reversible doors If it is necessary to change the direction in which the doors open please contact the Technical Assistance Centre Available only for FREEZER doors ...

Page 6: ... be observed safety measures not be observed Start up and use Starting the appliance Before starting the appliance follow the installation instructions see Installation Before connecting the appliance clean the compartments and accessories well with lukewarm water and bicarbonate Theappliancecomeswithamotorprotectioncontrolsystemwhich makesthecompressorstartapproximately8minutesafterbeing switched...

Page 7: ...opening provided 2 Take care not to exceed the level indicated MAX WATER LEVEL Excess water prevents the ice cubes from dispensing if this happens wait for the ice to melt and empty the tray 3 Turn the tray 90 due to the connected compartments each mould fills with water see diagram 4 Close the opening with the lid provided and put the tray back 5 When the ice has formed minimum time approximately...

Page 8: ...ilar light bulb within the power range indicated on the cover 10 W 15 W or 25 W 1 2 Precautions and tips The appliance was designed and manufactured in compliance with international safety standards The following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully This appliance complies with the following Community Directives 73 23 EEC of 19 02 73 Low Voltage and subsequent amendm...

Page 9: ...nce comes with a motor protection control see Start up and use The indicator lights are on but the light is dim Pulloutandreversetheplugbeforeputtingitbackinthesocket a The alarm sounds a The refrigerator door has remained open for more than two minutes the buzzer will stop sounding when you shut the door or the correct switching off procedure was not followed see Maintenance b The alarm sounds an...

Page 10: ...e kullaným Cihazýn çalýþtýrýlmasý Cihazýn çalýþtýrýlmasý Cihazýn çalýþtýrýlmasý Cihazýn çalýþtýrýlmasý Cihazýn çalýþtýrýlmasý Cihazý çalýþtýrmadan önce kurulum talimatlarýný yerine Cihazý çalýþtýrmadan önce kurulum talimatlarýný yerine Cihazý çalýþtýrmadan önce kurulum talimatlarýný yerine Cihazý çalýþtýrmadan önce kurulum talimatlarýný yerine Cihazý çalýþtýrmadan önce kurulum talimatlarýný yerine...

Page 11: ...ularýn yayýlmasý önlenir 3 Yiyecekleri havanýn aralarýnda rahatça dolaþabileceði þekilde yerleþtiriniz 4 Soðutucu içini temiz tutunuz zararlý veya oksitlesme yapan temizlik ürünleri kullanmamaya özen gösteriniz 5 Saklama süresi dolmuþ olan yiyecekleri buzdolabýnýzda tutmayýnýz 6 Çabuk bozulan yiyecekleri taze peynir çið balýk ve et gibi sebzeliðin üstünde bulunan bölmenin en soðuk yerine yerleþtir...

Page 12: ...býrakýldýðýnda yeniden normal çalýþma koþullarýna dönülür Soðutucu lambasýnýn deðiþtirilmesi Soðutucu lambasýnýn deðiþtirilmesi Soðutucu lambasýnýn deðiþtirilmesi Soðutucu lambasýnýn deðiþtirilmesi Soðutucu lambasýnýn deðiþtirilmesi Soðutucu bölmesinin ampulünü deðiþtirmeden önce buzdolabýnýn fiþini prizden çýkarýnýnz AþaðýdakiTalimatlarý özenle uygulayýnýz Sekilde gösterildigi gibi koruma zarýný ...

Page 13: ...lambasý yanýp Alarm çalýyor ve iki adet sarý uyarý lambasý yanýp Alarm çalýyor ve iki adet sarý uyarý lambasý yanýp sönüyor sönüyor sönüyor sönüyor sönüyor b b b b b Cihaz dondurucunun fazla ýsýnmýþ olduðunu belirtir Gýdalarýn durumunun kontrol edilmesi tavsiye edilir çöpe atmanýz gerekebilir sesli sinyal Aþýrý ýsýnma Aþýrý ýsýnma Aþýrý ýsýnma Aþýrý ýsýnma Aþýrý ýsýnma c c c c c Alarm çalýyor ve s...

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