Please follow these instructions exactly as directed on this page and shown on page 3. Failure to follow these assembly
instructions correctly may result in a non functional lamp or unsafe lamp (see saftey information).
We encourage you to also watch this video guide for assembly of this light:
Items needed for assembly: 2x long screws/24x short screws/2x nuts/1x straight connector/4x plastic screw legs/2x
Before starting, you will need the following:
Wire stripper
included philips screwdriver
Step 1:
Hand tighten all four legs into the four outermost screw holes on the heatsink.
Step 2:
Place LED boards on the heatsink, with positive and negative connectors opposite from each other.
Step 3:
Screw all short screws from kit bag into the LED board holes marked in red using the included screwdriver.
Step 4:
Flip heatsink, placing it on its previously installed legs. The “fins” side of the heatsink should be face up.
Step 5:
Place the ‘HLG-32OH-C1750A’ driver diagonally across the “fins.”
Step 6:
Line up the heatsink and driver holes. Screw the two long screws in from the non-finned side of the heatsink on both
sides then tighten the two nuts onto them.
Step 7:
Wrap the output side wire around the driver pointing towards the input side.
Step 8:
Measure the length from the tip of the pink wire, through the hole nearest to that side, and into the right side boards posi-
tive connector. Cut and strip the extra red wire accordingly.
Step 9:
Using one of the Wagos provided, attach the red wire and the pink wire from the output side and send the other side of
the red wire through the hole and into the right side boards’ positive connector.
Step 10:
Take the black wire and measure from the tip of the blue wire back the opposite way towards the left side board through
the hole and into the negative side connector. Cut and strip the black wire accordingly.
Step 11:
Using one of the Wagos provided, attach the black wire and the blue wire from the outoput side, and send the opposite
side of the black wire back through the hole near the left side board and into the negative connector.
Step 12:
On the LED side of the light, using the extra black wire, measure the distance from connector to connector on the cor-
ners of the middle board that DO NOT have any wires in them. Cut, strip, and insert accordngly. Your board should look
like step 12(2) by this point.
Step 13
: Cut about a quarter inch from the top of the opposite side wires and then strip them as shown in diagram, otherwise it is
possible that the wires could hang out of the clamp when tightened.
Step 14:
Insert the wires into one side of the straight connector EXACTLY as instructed; BLUE wire to SILVER coated hole.
GREEN/YELLOW wire to COPPER coated hole. BROWN wire to BLACK coated hole and screw them in using the included
Do not
over tighten screws, as it can cut the wires.
Step 15:
Insert plugin cord wires into the other side of the straight connector EXACTLY as instructed; WHITE wire to SILVER coat-
ed hole. GREEN wire to COPPER coated hole. BLACK wire to BLACK coated hole. Screw them in using the included
Do not
over tighten screws, as it can cut the wires.
Step 16:
Tighten the caps to the straight connector.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4&5:
Step 6&7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
Step 12(2):
Page 3
Page 2
Step 13:
Step 14:
Step 15:
Step 16: