PW (Pin Wake-up) Command
<Sleep (Low Power)> Under normal operation, a
modem in Cyclic Sleep Mode cycles from an
active state to a low-power state at regular
intervals until data is ready to be received. If the
PW Parameter is set to 1, the SLEEP Pin can be
used to awaken the modem from Cyclic Sleep. If
the SLEEP Pin is de-asserted (low), the modem
will be fully operational and will not go into Cyclic
Once SLEEP is asserted, the modem will remain
active for the period of time specified by ST (Time
before Sleep) Command, and will return to Cyclic
Sleep Mode (if no data is ready to be transmitted). PW Command is only valid if Cyclic Sleep has
been enabled.
RB (Packetization Threshold) Command
<Serial Interfacing> RF transmission will
commence when data is in the DI Buffer and
either of the following criteria are met:
RO character times of silence on the
UART receive lines (ignored if RO = 0)
RB characters have been received by the
UART (ignored if RB = 0)
If PK is lowered below the value of RB, RB is
automatically lowered to match PK.
Note: RB and RO criteria only apply to the first packet of a multi-packet transmission. If data
remains in the DI Buffer after the first packet, transmissions will continue in streaming manner
until there is no data left in the DI Buffer (UART receive buffer).
RC (Ambient Power – Single Channel) Command
<Diagnostics> RC Command is used to examine
and report the power level on a given channel.
Sample output: -78 dBm [when CF = 0]
[when CF = 1]
-78 [when CF = 2]
RE (Restore Defaults) Command
<Diagnostics> RE Command is used to restore all
configurable parameters to factory default
settings. However, RE Command will not write
the default values to non-volatile (persistent) memory. Unless the WR (Write) Command is issued
after the RE command, the restored default settings will not be saved in the event of modem
reset or power-down.
AT Command: ATPW
Binary Command: 0x1D (29 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 – 1
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Default Parameter Value: 0
Number of bytes returned: 1
Related Commands: SM (Sleep Mode), ST (Time
before Sleep)
AT Command: ATRB
Binary Command: 0x20 (32 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 – Current value of PK
Parameter (up to 0x800 Bytes)
Default Parameter Value: 0x800
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: BR (RF Data Rate), PK (RF
Packet Size), RO (Packetization Timeout)
AT Command: ATRC
Parameter Range (read-only): 0 – 0x31 [dBm]
Number of bytes returned: 1
Related Commands: RM (Ambient Power – All
AT Command: ATRE
Binary Command: 0x0E (14 decimal)