8. VHF Procedures
Your vessel is equipped with an ICOM M412 Marine VHF and is hard-wired to the battery.
Familiarize yourself with the VHF controls, particularly switching channels, the volume and
squelch knobs, the button for channel 16, and the distress button under the red plastic cover.
Using the VHF:
Make sure the radio is on, volume turned well up, power to high (unless the station you are
calling is quite close), and that you are tuned to the correct channel.
Turn the squelch knob slowly clockwise until the loud static hissing just stops.
Press push-to-talk button on mike handle and hold while speaking. Release immediately.
You will not receive transmissions and will clog the channel if you do not release the button.
If no response, wait two minutes and repeat the call. If still no response, wait a further two
minutes before trying again. If calling on channel 16, it is very important to switch to a working
channel after contact is established. Do not use channel 16 for your conversations – it is for hailing
and distress only.
Channels to Use:
Alternate Hailing Channel: contact marinas, fuel docks, the harbor master, radio checks
Port Operations
Hailing and Distress only: if used to hail, immediately switch to a non-commercial working
channel upon contact
Radio Checks with Sea Tow (Automated)
DSC only (Digital Selective Calling) – do not use
66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 78 – Non-commercial working frequencies for use by general traffic. After
contacting your party on 9 or 16, switch to one of these channels to communicate
In the event that your vessel is involved in a non-life threatening incident with an object or another
vessel, it is important that you contact the Horizon Office immediately at 410-990-0269 or 443-
603-5530. Remember to get as much information as possible about your location, the other
vessel’s description, and what damage has been done to your vessel so that we can best assist you.
Failure to report any accidents or incidents in a timely manner may result in
nullification of your hull damage insurance.
Power On/Off
and volume
Channel up/down