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this value, you will set this value as needed to get the flap travel needed with the switch in the land 
position.  Next press select so that the arrow points at the ELEV value for the LAND position.  Press the 
increase or decrease value as needed to get roughly ¼” down elevator with the switch in the LAND 

Aileron to Flap Mixing 


The aileron to flap mixing will require 2 programmable mixes.  We will use mix 1 and 2 for this set up.  
The first mix will be an aileron to flap mix, and the second will be an aileron to aux 2 mix.  The value of 
the aileron to aux 2 mix must be exactly double but opposite of the value in the aileron to flap mix.  The 
travel of the flaps as ailerons will not be as much as the travel of the ailerons themselves.  This will still 
increase the roll rate of your ultra stick however.   
To set up the first mix, we will use program mix 1.  Enter program mix 1.  Press the increase key until 
the first channel says AILE.  Then press the select key to make the arrow point at the second channel, 
and then press the increase key until the second channel says FLAP.  Press the select key to make the 
arrow point at RATE, then hold left aileron and press the increase key until the percentage says +62%.  
Then hold right aileron and press the increase key until the second percentage says +62% as well.  Both 
values should say +62%.  Next press the select key to make the arrow point at SW, and press the 
increase key until the screen says MIX next to SW. 
To set up the second mix needed for the aileron to flap mixing, we will use program mix 2.  Enter 
program mix 2.  Press the increase key until the first channel says AILE.  Then press the select key to 
make the arrow point at the second channel, and then press the increase key until the second channel 
says AUX2.  Press the select key to make the arrow point at RATE, then hold left aileron and press the 
increase key until the percentage says -124% (value double but opposite of the previous mix).  Then 
hold right aileron and press the increase key until the second percentage says -124% as well.  Both 
values should say -124%.  Next press the select key to make the arrow point at SW, and press the 
increase key until the screen says MIX next to SW. 

Flap to Aileron Mixing 

The flap to aileron mixing will require 2 programmable mixes.  We will use mix 3 and 4 for this set up.  
The first mix will be a flap to aileron mix, and the second will be a flap to gear mix.  The value of the 
flap to gear mix must be exactly double but opposite of the value in the flap to aileron mix.  These mixes 
will set up the “crow” function on the LAND flap switch position. 
To set up the first mix, we will use program mix 3.  Enter program mix 3.  Press the increase key until 
the first channel says FLAP.  Then press the select key to make the arrow point at the second channel, 
and then press the increase key until the second channel says AILE.  Press the select key until the arrow 
points at OFFSET.  Press the decrease key until it says –50 next to OFFSET.  Press the select key until 
the arrow points at RATE, then flap the flap switch into the LAND position, then press the decrease key 
until the percentage says -30% (adjust this percentage as necessary to get the ailerons to move as 
“spoilers” ¾” up, keeping in mind that the value of this program mix must by half the value and 
opposite of the value in the next mix, program mix 4).  Next to SW on the screen it should say ON.  If it 
