Mini AeroScout
Transmitter Dual Rates
Transmitter Trims
The included transmitter features dual rates to tailor the
sensitivity of the controls to the pilot. The low rate setting
decreases the control throws, thereby decreasing the
sensitivity. The high rate setting increases the control throws
to maximum, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the aircraft.
High rate is the default setting.
To change from high rate to low rate:
1. With the transmitter powered on, press and release the
right transmitter stick. The transmitter beeps to indicate
which rate is selected.
A long tone indicates high rate.
A short tone indicates low rate.
2. Press and release again to change back.
The included transmitter features digital trim buttons next to
the control sticks to make fi ne adjustments during fl ight.
The transmitter beeps when a trim button is pressed. The tone
changes slightly when the trim value is centered.
To quickly re-center the trims, press both the left and right
sticks at the same time.
If the aircraft drifts right or left in fl ight, use the opposite
direction rudder trim button correct the drift. For example, if the
aircraft drifts right in fl ight, press and release the left rudder
trim button until the aircraft no longer drifts.
If the aircraft climbs or dives during fl ight, press and release
the down or up trim buttons until the aircraft fl ies level.
If there is not enough digital trim available, mechanically adjust
the loops in the control linkages to center the surfaces.
Elevator down trim
Elevator up trim
Rudder left trim
Rudder right trim
Consult local laws and ordinances before choosing a
location to fl y your aircraft.
We recommend fl ying your aircraft outside in no greater than
light winds or inside in a large gymnasium. Always avoid fl ying
near houses, trees, wires and buildings.
Avoid fl ying in areas where there are many people, such as
busy parks, schoolyards or soccer fi elds.
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
The HobbyZone Mini AeroScout can normally fly 12-15
minutes on a fully charged flight battery. This time will
vary pending on your flying style, flight conditions and the
condition of your battery.
Hand Launching
To hand launch the aircraft, hold the fuselage under the wings.
Advance to full throttle and give the aircraft a fi rm throw,
slightly up (5–10 degrees above the horizon), and directly into
the wind. After the model gains altitude and speed, decrease
the throttle as you desire.
Taxi the aircraft in position for takeoff (facing into the wind if
fl ying outdoors). Gradually increase the throttle to full power.
Hold a small amount of up elevator and steer with the rudder.
When the aircraft lifts off, climb gently and adjust the trim for level
fl ight. Once the trim is adjusted, begin exploring the fl ight envelope
of the aircraft. When your timer expires, prepare for landing.
Always land into the wind. Fly the landing pattern with a
slightly nose high attitude. Use throttle management to control
the descent rate of the aircraft.
During fl are, keep the wings level and the aircraft pointed into
the wind. Slowly lower the throttle while easing back on the
elevator to bring the aircraft gently down on the main wheels.
Always fully lower the throttle at touch down when
landing the aircraft. Failure to lower the throttle stick and
trim to the lowest possible positions during a crash could
result in damage to the ESC in the receiver unit.