SAFE Select Flying Tips
When flying in SAFE Select mode the aircraft will return to level flight any time the aileron and elevator
controls are at neutral. Applying aileron or elevator control will cause the airplane to bank, climb or dive. The
amount the stick is moved will determine the attitude the airplane flies. Holding full control will push the
aircraft to the pre-determined bank and roll limits, but it will not go past those angles.
When flying with SAFE Select, it is normal to hold the control stick deflected with moderate aileron input
when flying through a turn. To fly smoothly with SAFE Select, avoid making frequent control changes and
don’t attempt to correct for minor deviations. Holding deliberate control inputs will command the aircraft to
fly at a specific angle, and the model will make all corrections to maintain that flight attitude.
When flying with SAFE Select, throttle will make the aircraft climb or descend. Full throttle will cause the aircraft
to pitch up and climb slightly. Mid throttle will keep the airplane flying level. Low throttle will cause the airplane to
descend slightly nose-down.
Return the elevator and aileron controls to neutral before switching from SAFE Select mode to AS3X mode.
If you do not neutralize controls when switching into AS3X mode, the control inputs used for SAFE Select
mode will be excessive for AS3X mode and the aircraft will react immediately.
Differences between SAFE Select and AS3X modes
This section is generally accurate but does not take into account flight speed, battery charge status, and
other limiting factors.
SAFE Select
Control Input
Control stick is
Aircraft will self level
Aircraft will continue to fly at its
present attitude
Holding a small
amount of control
Aircraft will bank or pitch to a moderate
angle and maintain the attitude
Aircraft will continue to pitch or
roll slowly
Holding full control
Aircraft will bank or pitch to the
predetermined limits and maintain the
Aircraft will continue to roll or
pitch rapidly
Full throttle: Climb
Neutral: Level flight
Low throttle: Decsend nose-down
Throttle will not affect flight